While you were sleeping

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Zander's POV

I woke up to feel something in my mouth. When I reached for it, dad stopped me.

"Zander you're on a vent. It's to help you breath easier. The doctors will remove it within a day or so," he assured me. All I could do was slightly nod.

I reached up and he took my hand. I gave him a squeezed then my hand fell to my side as I fell back asleep.

They moved Zander to the ICU which he had to remain for two days, then he would be moved to a regular room for seven days then he would be home for two months.

Christmas was coming up and he would be home just in time for it. I didn't care about Christmas, it was the fact he would be home, that meant more.

After his parents went and saw me, it was my turn. His dad advised me that he would be sleeping and not to be alarmed when I saw the vent. I nodded and walked to his room.

When I entered I kept my calm. It was really hard to do with him hooked to a vent. I walked over to his bed and he looked peaceful. That was reassuring.

I reached for his hand and took it in mine. It was warm and comforting. I looked at the machines and saw one moving, another beeping. It was surreal. I noticed the bandage in the middle of his chest. That must have been the area he had surgery.

I held his hand and stared at him, then I felt him squeeze it. I looked down and he gave me three squeezes to my hand. I looked at him and he was looking at me. Then he did it again and I knew what he meant. Each squeeze represented one word, I love you. It was his way to communicate with me.

"I love you too Zander."

He gave me a look. I knew that look.

"Yes, I know, I said your name but sometimes, we need to be reminded how important we are," I reasoned. He nodded slightly.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again. I don't want to lose you," I said as tears fell down my cheeks. He squeezed my hand firmly reassuring me. It was weird, we understood each other better than most.

I stayed a while with him before visiting hours ended. I promised him I would come back tomorrow. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

He needed rest and so did I.

The next day I returned and as I got close to his room, I noticed the door closed and his parents standing outside.

"What's going on," I asked a bit confused.

"They're removing the vent. No one can be in the room why they do it," Zane explained to me. So I waited.

Zander's POV

The doctor and nurses came into my room, closing the door behind them. They sat me up and a couple male nurses held me while the doctor removed the tube.

I had to cough as they pulled it out, which was painful, causing me to scream.

"Zander, almost done," the doctor reassured me as I gagged loudly as he finished pulling it out. I held their hands as they did this and squeezed. I was in so much pain from that.

Then they carefully laid me down as I went to reach for my chest. I just wanted the pain to stop. They stopped me and gave me something for the pain and within minutes I passed out.

The door opened and the doctor stepped out. He explained what the did and Zander was sleeping because of the pain meds. We all went inside to see him.

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