Something smells fishy

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Something told me to keep an eye on Zander. If I know him and I do, that means he is plotting something. Like I would ever fall in love with that cheesehead. I sat alone at lunch and plugged and tuned out the world.

I didn't notice someone take a seat next to me, until they pulled out my earbud. I turned to see Zander, "did you need something or are you just trying to irritate me more than you already do?"

"What can't a guy sit with a girl?" He shrugged.

"When it comes to you, no," I said with a look.

"What are you doing later?"

"Why?" I gave him a look.

"Because I want to show you something," he said.


"Really what?" He looked at me confused.

"No one wants to see your two inch manhood," I rolled my eyes.

"First of all, it's not two inches, it's bigger. Second of all, get your mind out of the gutter. I want to show you something."

"You wanting to show a girl something is the same as showing her the moon and the stars and there isn't any moon or stars around."

"Look, we have a deal. We shook. You have to at least honor your part," he said matter of fact.

"Fine but if you even think about anything sexual, I will cut off your balls," I snapped.

"Duly noted."

"Now go away cheesehead. I'm trying to watch my movie," I said as I placed an earbud into my ear. He got up and I couldn't help but glance at him walking away. Huh, he has a nice butt. Wait, what?

He glanced back and I looked down quickly.

After school I started walking home when Zander pulled next to me on his bike.

"Get on," he ordered.

"Were we suppose to do something?"

He gave me a look.

"Must have forgotten," I shrugged. Truth was I didn't forget, I just chose to not to remember.

"Avery get on the damn bike before I put you on it," he growled. Whoa. That was kind of hot. Wait, snap out of it. He's a cheesehead.

I climbed on the back and he handed me a helmet. I put it on and he peeled down the street. I almost fell off. I am so going to hurt him.

As he sped up, I held on tighter. That's when I noticed his body. Okay this dude has some serious muscles. Wait, what am I saying? He's a cheesehead.

He pulled into a place and stopped the bike. He got off and lifted me off the back. Whoa. Hang on their buddy. Who says you can touch me? Although this hands were firm and he was gentle. Wait! He's a freaking cheesehead!

He set me down on the ground and removed my helmet. My brown eyes met his blue ones.

"Come on," he nodded as he walked away. I looked around. Great, we're in the middle of nowhere and we are going to die. I checked my phone and even better, no cell phone reception.

Then I heard a noise, I let out a whine as I ran after him. Not today Yogi. Not today.

I ran over to him as I saw him sit on some rocks overlooking water. I walked over and took a seat, "what is this place?"

"This is heaven," he said simply.

"I thought heaven is a place with clouds and angels and all that stuff," I said waving my hand around.

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