Houston we have a huge problem

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Zander's POV

After dropping off Avery I went home. All I could think about was that kiss. Things got heated between us and the next thing I knew I was kissing her. I didn't plan on it happening but it did and I liked it.

Her lips were so soft and they tasted like cherries. There was also a spark. Something I had never felt before with anyone. All the girls I hooked up with, there was never a spark. That's why it was so easy to walk away.

Then I thought about it. Why did we hate each other? I never knew when that started.

It was just out of the blue, we didn't like each other. None of it made sense.

I pulled in and got off my bike, making my way inside.

"Where were you," dad asked.

"I was with Avery," I said quietly.

"Zander please tell me you didn't do anything with her?"

"We just kissed," I said not looking at him as I went upstairs. I was so confused. This was not part of the deal. She was suppose to fall in love with me and I was suppose to walk away. So, why did I feel like I didn't want to?

Once I got into my room, I removed my jacket and tossed it on a chair. I plopped down on my bed and laid there, lost in my thoughts.

So lost I didn't hear my mom.



"You okay? Your dad said you seemed a bit upset," she said at the door.

I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed.

"I was with Avery after school. We fought then we kissed," I said a bit confused.


"Yeah, and the weirdest part is I liked it," I said a bit surprised. "But this isn't part of the deal. I'm not suppose to like her. She is suppose to fall in love with me. Something's wrong here," I said rambling.

"We'll get back to this so-called deal in a minute. Did it ever occur to you, you may genuinely like Avery because she isn't like most girls?"

I looked at her.

"Zander, when your father and I first got together, things weren't exactly smooth sailing between us. In fact, they were rough but at some point we both realized that we were better together than apart," she smiled.

"The problem is when I kissed her, I felt something. Like a spark. It's like I like the fact she doesn't cave easily, that she doesn't take my shit. It's like when I'm around her, I feel different. I can't explain it," I said to her.

She looked at me, "I hate to break it to you hunny, but I think you're going to lose that so-called deal."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, I think deep down you like this girl more than you realize and you're just too scared to admit it," she said with a look. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and got and left.

I had a lot of thinking to do. Was mom right? Did I really like Avery? The only problem was if I did really like her, how do I prove it? All she sees is what everyone else sees.

Maybe it was time to change.

The next day I grabbed my jacket and left. I got on my bike and started it. I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to school. As I drove down the road, I saw her. She was walking. I pulled up to her.

I flipped my shield and she looked at me. I reached and grabbed a helmet, holding it out to her.


"Get on," I said.

She looked at me, "please."

She shrugged and walked over. She took the helmet and put it on. Then she climbed on the back. She slid her arms around my waist and a smile curled upon my lips. I liked how she held onto me.

I drove to the school and pulled into a spot. She got off the bike and removed her helmet. I got off and removed my own. I took both and placed them in their compartments.

"Thanks for the ride," she said.


As she was about to walk away I stopped her, "Avery."

She stopped and turned, "Yeah?"

I thought about what I wanted to say but words were escaping me. That was the first then I remembered what Violet said, "actions speak louder than words."

"Screw it," I said as I took action. I broke the gap between us and pulled her into a kiss, taking us both by surprise. I pulled her close to me as I kissed her in a way I had never kissed anyone. She fought before she finally gave in and kissed me back.

She reached up and placed her hands on the back of my head as I held her waist. As we kissed, there was that spark again. I felt like fireworks were exploding inside me. I felt alive for once.

We pulled back breathlessly as I looked at her, "deal is off."


"I don't want a deal anymore."

She looked at me confused.

"I like you Avery and I want to give you the kind of romance you want," I whispered.

"You're kidding right?"

"No," I looked at her as she looked into my eyes.

"You're not kidding," she said as her eyes widened.

"No I'm not," I said with sincerity.

She pulled away from me, "okay. You want to prove you want this, this show me. Show me you aren't that guy, everyone knows," she challenged.

"Okay, I will," I said as I walked towards her, "if I have to prove it every day, I will." I got up, face to face with her. "But we do it my way."

She looked at me as she crossed her arms.

"Take a chance Avery. What do you got to lose?"

I reached up and moved a strand of hair behind her hair as she looked at me. I saw it. She was scared. Scared to actually experience real life romance. Afraid it would be nothing like the movies.

"And what if I take this chance," she asked as her eyes widened. "What if I fall and no one is there to catch me?"

I looked at her, "what if you fall and someone is there to catch you? Avery take a chance. For once in your life take a chance on me."


Guess you have to wait until the next chapter to find out.

Take A ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon