Oh my

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I decided to go surprise Zander and got a surprise of my own. I knocked on the door and his dad let me in. I ran upstairs to his room and grabbed the handle. I opened the door, "surprise!"

My eyes widened and so did his, "oh my god!" I screamed.

"Avery!" He yelled grabbing something to cover himself.

"Why are you naked?!"

"Why don't you knock?!"

"Because! Because!"

All the yelling caused Zane to run up the stairs to see what the commotion was. He stopped to see me standing there as Zander was covering himself with a pillow.

"What the hell is going on here," he asked us.

I looked at him with mouth agape.

"I just got out of the shower and yahoo here decided to barge in without knocking," he said incredulously.

"You weren't suppose to be naked," I exclaimed.

"Oh good god," Zane said. "Avery, go downstairs. Zander get dressed," he ordered us.

I scampered out of Zander's room as Zane closed the door. Well, one thing is for certain now I knew why girls liked Zander so much. I couldn't help but smile.

Zander's POV

I got dressed after dad and Avery left. Normally I'm not self conscience about my body but it was different with Avery. It's like I didn't want anyone to see me naked except her and even then it felt nerve wracking. I guess it's different when it's someone you love.

I came out of my room and went downstairs. Avery was waiting for me. She had a goofy look on her face.

"What," I asked her with a look.

"So, how big is it?"

"How big is what?"

"You know?" She pointed at my manhood. I covered it. I looked at her. "Aww is little Zander shy?" She snickered.

"First of all there is nothing little about Pepe," I said raising a finger.

"Whose Pepe?" She asked confused.

I glanced down then back at her.

"You named it?!"

"Of course. Every guy does," I shrugged.

"Which reminds me what is up with guys naming their manhoods and cars," she asked me.

"It's a guy thing," I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my coat.

"So, can you make Pepe dance," she asked me.

I grabbed her hand as I led her out, "I can make Pepe sing and spit," I said as her eyes widened. I knew that would shut her up.

We made our way to school and Zander actually drove a car only because it was cold out. I asked a ton of questions. I think he was getting annoyed with me.

"Avery, you have a brother and dad. Have you never seen one before?"

"Eww, gross," I cringed. He shrugged. I can't help it I was curious. It's not like I had a whole lot experience with this type of thing. I sat there and fiddled with my fingers.

He looked at me, "Avery, look, I know you're curious but anything sexual is a personal private thing."

"But you had no issue hooking up with random girls," I said to him with furrowed brows.

"But we didn't talk," he said with a look.

"Oh," I said. Now I felt like an idiot.

He scooted over next to me, "okay, ask me whatever you want."


"Yes," he said then I started asking questions. He answered everyone honestly as he could. I didn't want to ask about the girls he had been with. I really didn't want to know. I just had common questions. I think he was just as relived as I was that they were basic questions and that did dive into his past.

"Now do you feel better?"

"Much," I said with a sigh of relief.

"Good because when the moment happens, Pepe is going to have so much fun with you," she smirked. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as he chuckled. Oh god.

We got out of the car and made our way inside. Apparently we missed first period completely due to our "talk" so we got detention. Great. My parents were going to kill me.

We got through school with a minor run in with Roxanne and Lance. Figures. Will those two ever learn? Probably not.

Now came the end of the day when I had to tell my parents I would be late because I had detention. When they asked why? I lied and said Zander and I were making our. What? No way was I going to tell them we were discussing things, I.E. sex.

That's all I needed was to have this conversation with my parents. They were already unholy as it was. One time I heard moaning and actually thought mom was having a bad dream.

It wasn't until I walked in to find them doing unholy things to each other. Yeah that memory is burned into my brain.

Because of my little white lie, I got grounded. Dad called Zane and Zander got grounded as well. That was fun getting looks from Zander.

We sat in detention.

"At the rate we are going, I don't think we're going to be seeing daylight," he said to me.

"Pretty much," I sighed. Then we got company, in the form of Roxanne and Lance. Perfect.

Needless to say, it didn't take long before the four of us were going at it until the teacher caught us. We all stopped and looked at him with our hair messed up and our clothes ripped. I had a bloody lip, Roxanne had a black eye, Zander had a cut over his eye and Lance had a bloody nose.

Guess what we had to do? Just guess. Yep, our parents weren't happy when they came to get us. Of course the principal made sure they came at separate times. They didn't want another brawl.

Yep our grounding got extended. These were going to be a long few weeks.

I had to admit, since Zander and I got together, it hasn't been a dull moment. Maybe this was way better than a movie? Sometimes we have to take a step forward to find out what makes us happy. For me that was Zander. Who knew?

FYI be prepared for next chapter. That's all I'm going to say. This isn't a sequel for nothing.

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