Oh I'll definitely be alone. But I'll be putting up a fight.

I drove back to the house and pulled into the driveway. Niko came out of the house and he was pissed.

"Where were you!?"
"Just had to clear my head." I knew if I said I was leaving again he would put the house in lock down and I'd never get out. "I'm fine now."
"I'll deal with this Bella." He said hugging me.

I hugged back then told him I was tired so I was going to bed. He said ok and we walked back into the house.

He went to his office and I 'went to the kitchen for some water'.

I waited till he was in his office then went to the basement where the gun room was. I pulled out some guns and ammo. I also grabbed a vest because I couldn't be too careful. Usually I opt out on it but this time I was solely alone with this fight.

I ran upstairs and put on a more practical outfit for a gun fight.

   When I was stapled and ready I went downstairs and out the front door

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When I was stapled and ready I went downstairs and out the front door. I knew I had to move fast so that Niko couldn't stop me.

I jumped in my car and sped off. Thankfully I didn't have any problems from the guards at the gate. They just let me out.

I had more than an hour to get to the docks but I needed to be there early. I needed to set up for the ass whoopn I was about to dish out.

I was so pumped up for this. I hate when people think my family or myself are weak. Obviously this Martin guy didn't completely know who he was fucking with.

When I got to my destination I parked my car in an obvious spot so they would see it. I got out gathered the weapons I had which included many handguns, automatics, and a sniper. I figured I need to secretly pick off as many idiots as I could before they realized where I was.

I and went to the metal building that was near by and camped out on the roof. I was completely hidden and ready.

I finally saw four cars drive up to mine. They all parked in front of my baby. Then the familiar red car owned by dumb ass Martin opened followed by the rest.

   When he got out I didn't waste any time

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When he got out I didn't waste any time. I started taking out his guys. The idiot only brought 7 people with him. He made the eighth.

I shot one after the other. I really didn't even need all of the guns I brought. One by one they fell like flies.

It all happened so fast. Martin finally registered what was happening and jumped back in his car once all his men were dead.

He tried to drive off but before he got too far I shot through his window and got him in the head

   He tried to drive off but before he got too far I shot through his window and got him in the head

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I felt like fucking Rambo. He crashed his car which kind of sucked because I told my connections they could have every one of these idiots cars once I disposed of them and that included Martin's. But it's fine they won't be too worried. They have three others now thanks to me.. and Sav I guess.

I called my guys and they came to clean up and claim their prizes. I felt accomplished. These dudes really thought they would get the best of me. They had me fucked up.

I got back in my car and went home. I knew Niko would be pissed I lied to him and left but what ever, I had to do this.

Plus I had to talk to Sav. I was still mad but I love her like a sister so I couldn't let her think I'm going to stay mad forever.

 I was still mad but I love her like a sister so I couldn't let her think I'm going to stay mad forever

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   I love you all so much for reading!! 😘😘😘 please comment and vote ❤️

The Donatello Twins (Book two of My Mafioso)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora