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"Not again...please I-I'm too weak,"

"This is not the (Y/N) I've been training, you are our weapon. Make me proud," Vexel yelled as he charged you with his electric whips.


You were awakened by someone shaking you. For once you were scared, you backed away into the corner of the bed as a hot sweat ran down your forehead.

"Hey hey, its okay...I'm not trying to hurt you," Keith whispered with wide worried eyes as his hand extended out to you.

A man in a black paladin uniform was behind him standing guard.

"I-I'm sorry for the outburst. It will not happen again," You chocked out as you tried to compose yourself.

"Actually, we came here to talk to you. We need to know the different routes Zarkon has been using to transport quintessences," The black paladin said sternly.

"Why would I tell you that? Even as your prisoner, I am still loyal to Zarkon and the Galra Empire," You chuckled as you sat up more to face him.

"Zarkon destroys planets and innocent people, don't you see how evil he is? You're a simple pawn in this game of his to control the universe. He probably doesn't even realize you're missing," Keith abruptly blurted out with venom in his tone.

"I don't always agree with what Zarkon does especially when it comes to the destruction of planets and innocent lives, but for your information, he would realize if I was missing," You replied as you lowered you head with an unhappy stern tone.

"What does that mean?" The black paladin seemed alarmed.

"I am the adopted daughter of Zarkon," You said with disappointment in your voice.

"What?" Both yelled in complete shock.

"You're Zarkon's daughter?" The black paladin spoke as he readied his bayard.

"Adopted and not by choice,"

"Don't you see how evil he is? He abducted you from your family and made you into one of his commanders to further his reign of the universe. That's not right!" Keith exclaimed as he kneeled to meet your eyes.

"I know, but what am I to do? If I left the empire, Zarkon would find me and have my head for it or worst," You said as you looked away from Keith.

"No you're wrong, you have a choice. We can protect you. You would be a valuable ally in this war, but we need to know we can trust you," The black paladin said with certainty as you faced him.

You turned your attention to Keith as he seemed to be just as surprised as you were. This was never an option for you.

"I-I don't know,"

"I understand this is sudden. We will let you think on it. Keith come on," The black paladin commanded as he opened the cell door.

Keith hesitated for a second, but made his way to the unlocked door, but before exiting he looked back at you with a slight smile written on his lips.

"Also, I'm Shiro," The black paladin said with a smile before exiting leaving me in this cell to think about my options and for once what you wanted.

You've never thought for yourself. You've always had orders. You've always been taught and trained what to do in each situation, but this situation was different then the normal interrogation protocol.

These people, that you've just met, have offered to protect you from the one who abducted you and those who have tortured you for all those years. From all the beatings. But your allegiance.

You could either take their allegiance and help them defeat the one who kidnapped and torture you to be the weapon you are today, or you could be taken to the Blade of Marmora's headquarters and live out the rest of your life there, if you survived.

This is beginning to seem like an easier option each second.


Two more paladins approached your cell. This time they were dressed in blue and yellow.

"Uh hi there," The yellow paladin said carefully.

You stared at them silently unaware of why they were here. Your guard must always be up.

"Uh we just wanted to bring you some food goo, and see if you had decided on the teams offer,"

"Bring me Keith," You said bluntly.

"What Keith?? What's so great about Keeeiith" The blue paladin said with much sarcasm as they walked away.

Your body was starting to become tense as you felt the fear again starting to creep into your mind. You took a deep breath as you stood and placed your head against the cool wall with your hands over extending over it.

The meditation wasn't working. The thought of Vexel came to your head as you swear you could feel him hurting you even though you were galaxies away from him.

"I will not yield!" You screamed as you forcefully punched the wall in front of you.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?"

It was Keith's voice, but you were hurting, you couldn't stop.

"Stop please! I've done all you've asked!" You screamed as you continued to hit the wall until you hands began to bleed.

"(Y/N) stop! You're safe here!"

You felt a hand rest on your shoulder as you turned to face Keith. Tears formed in your eyes as you tried your hardest to hide them.

"It's alright. He can't hurt you anymore,"

You leaned into him as you felt yourself weaken at the knees. It was too much. He held you in his arms as Shiro and the green paladin approached the two of you.

"What's going on?" The green paladin spoke unsure of the situation.

"Nothing, I am fine," You said as you stood up trying your best to recompose yourself, "Shiro, leader of Voltron, I would be so humble to accept your offer into defeating Zarkon. They have taught me a lot, but have taken more than they could ever make up for,"

"We need to know we can trust you," Shiro said pleased with the news, but still nervous and uncertain.

"Test me,"

"Pidge, get (Y/N) a suit and start the training deck up," Shiro said as he walked away with the door open.

You took an uneasy breath as you were nervous. You wanted acceptance as you've realized what you truly wanted.


Second chapter. Crazy to think about much I love writing this book! Hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it! :)

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