Chapter 25 Aarron

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I decided to go see my girl and see how my babies are doing i really do miss my lil mama man i swere i do. When i pulled up to her house it was only her new car she got i walked up to the house and seen the door opened i ran to the kitchen to get a knife but I had seen Reyna at the sink."Hey baby i missed you so much .Really Aarron who is she! What baby I.. ! Who the fuck is she!!! Baby calm down think about our kids you carring please."Our kids there aint no our or us these are my babies i will raise them!! Baby i .. i was drunk i didnt know what was going on around me at all ok she came on to me and"You kissed her you even had sex with her Aarron A tear fell from my eyes i wipped it away she threw a plate at me but i dodged it then she started throwing forks knifes. I grabed her "Reyna baby calm down stop this please she hit me and punched me until she got tired and cried we both slide down the wall and cried together ."Reyna im soo sorry baby i was fucking drunk there destorying us baby and me.I said inbetween my sobs Reyna was crying so hard it hurted me the last time she cried like this was when her father past away i pulled her even close to me and we both sat there crying together.

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