Chapter 10 Reyna

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I walked through the door around 10 o'clock i heard voices in the kitchen. I walked in and seen my mom talking to Shane."Reyna are you ok im fine mom i was with Aarron the whole time you know that. I knew that Shane was putting things in her head. "Aarron he's fine as well thanks for asking i said sarcastically and I walked out of the kitchen fed up with a lot of things and to my room. I never seen my mom act like that before she knows how i am when it comes to Aarron and she seen me walk down the street with him! Somethin smells really fishy around here. Replaying earlier in my head I changed into my gray jogging pants and put on my turquoise tank top i put on some socks and went downstairs.I even seen two pillows and a blanket thats when i knew she was beyond in her right mind."Mom we need to talk i went up stairs and she came out of her room with Shane. "Can i talk to you in private please i said in a mocking tone of voice she rolled her eyes at me yep that's where i got my attitude from. "For real ma you gonna let him sleep here why so he can fuck you over my mom smacked me. "You watch your mouth girl evea since Aarrons father walked into his life you been showin out as well as him! That was rude how you just walked out on us at the table.If you weren't so busy with Shane i would have told you Aarron and i are dating now and i have some deep feelings for him so if hes upset im gonna go after him. "He's always been there for me and i was not finna sit around and wait until he got home. "Whatever Reyna just go do something but get outta my face. I walked out of her room she turned her light out and closed the door and i heard a clicking noise. Not only was she locking her door but locking me out as well.I went to my room and wrote in my story then i heard a knock at my door i quickly saved my work and put my laptop on the top of my closet. I opened the door and seen Shane "Whatever you think its not happening he closed my door and locked it he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear ''My plan is working he let me go and left my room. Now i felted unsafe in my own damn house


The next morning i woke up and seen Shane in my bed i hoped up real quick."Your moms at work so um i was thinkin we could revisit old times. Get the hell out im not gonna ask you again he got up and grabbed me and threw me on my bed." Get off i smacked him but he punched me he took off my pants and pinned me down and put himself inside of me and started humping me really hard i grabbed the knife that was under my pillow and cut him he got off of me i pulled up my pants and ran he grabbed me by my hair pinned me against the wall."You wanna leave huh you wanna get away from me so bad!! He threw me down all thirteen steps when i reached the bottom i was in so much pain he then continued to have sex with me until i passed out.

I woke up and seen bright lights i thought it was Heaven but i was in the hospital damnit. I looked to my left and seen Aarron and his mom Aarron was holding my hand and i gave it a gentle squeeze. " Baby you ok i looked into his hazel eyes they were red from his crying he kissed me on my face and lips. "I told you she would be ok Aarron i turned a little and began crying they called in a nurse. "Well from the looks of it she spranged her leg we will put a cast on it keep it on there for 3 weeks or more if you need to and see how she does then. When the doctors left Mariah, Zack, Lexiiee, and Trey came in they had flowers and balloons for me. "Hey girl you ok im progressing i said truthfully Zack Trey and Aarron left the room"Imma let you girls talk ok thanks for everything Ms.Johnson your welcome baby.

"So did you take our advise yes me and Aarron are dating they squealed and hugged me. About time, yeah i know well we gonna let Aarron take care of you but call us if you need us were also here for you  thanks they kissed my forehead and walked out half way meeting "Aarron take care of our baby in there"

He closed the door."So Reyna what really happened you can fool the doctors but not me did he do this to you? Aarron please just..just leave it I told you I fell down the steps really face first cause these look like i punched you and threw you down the steps to look like an accident. A tear fell from the corner of my eyes i quickly wiped it away. "Reyna tell me baby I need to know I wanna help you I grabbed his hand. Aarron please baby just leave it along he pulled his hand back quickly. " Why won't you tell me i sat up in the bed you wanna know so bad fine. "Aarron this is not the first time he hurt me i said in between my sobs"When I was 16 he raped me a lot  I  found out that he got me pregnant! He wanted me to get an abortion but I told him no he kicked and punched me in my stomach and the next morning i woke up my bed was full of blood. "That's when i knew the baby was dead I was crying harder now that why i don't want him near me my mom is so damn blind she cant see it Aarron i don't know what to do. "Reyna .. i saw Aarron sit in the chair they had in the hospital room he sat down and cried. He stood up and kissed me hard on my lips. "Where is he asked Aarron while whispering in my ear. Go by the house cause he should finish doing business with your father. "Aarron be careful i think they're up to something they both come back into our lives at the same time and want to be a family? What Reyna was saying made perfect sense but we just gotta prove it.

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