Chapter 16 Reyna

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The next morning i woke up around 8:30 i had to be at work at 10:00 on the dot so i layed back down feeling tired. When i sat up i felted a rush coming up in my mouth i ran to the bathroom and threw up i wipped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I stood up looking in the mirror still the same but my face did look a little flushed i splashed water on my face. I ran the water in the shower i got in and so much stuff ran across my mind. It was so much to handle after i finished my shower i went into my room i looked at my phone it was 9:10 i put on a all blue dress that showed off my curves in the right places. I was looking cute i went into my closet and grabed my dark blue heels i slid then on with ease. Since it was my first day i wanted to look really professional so i decided to let my long hair down i combed it and flat iron it my hair was past my shoulders it was in the center of my back and i loved the way it swayed flawless when i walked. I grabed my phone and went downstairs my mom was headed out and i seen Shane on the couch i poured myself a cup of coffee. "Damn gurl you look good he came closer to me and grabed my ass i smacked him."Dont touch me im only doing this so me and Aarron can leave this shit yall call a game or fun. It was now 9:30 "So if you would move i need to go to work i pushed past him and seen Lexiie in the car waiting for me."Look at you sexy young thang hes gonna love you i smiled  come on girl were gonna be late.


When she pulled up into Black Records it was 9:53 we was early whiched i like i walked up the front desk with Lexiie and seen some men looking at me but i paid them no mind at all. Then i seen a tall nice looking man walking towards me he had on a great big smile and greeted me."Hi im Sean Walker and you are Reyna Jackson i shook his hand with a smile nice to meet you right this way Lexiie waved bye to me as me and Mr.Sean walked into the elevator."As you can see im a very important man you see i sign artists all the time i signed P-Diddy, Chris Brown Beyonce Rihanna and much more but that's where you come in i need some help ordering my life together. The last female who worked for me she wanted to be more than a receptionist I'm happy with my girlfriend. "That is totally fine I have a boyfriend so i know it wont be weird. Here we are we got off the elevator and he showed me my desk. "This is all yours I want you to write down my phone calls , messages, meetings and more if you need me my office is down the hall my name is on the door ok i will come back and check on you in an hour i nodded.When he walked away Lexiie came up to my desk."So you like it ?Yes i do thanks so much for coming through for me .Gurl anytime and i told you its better than working at that Salon you get paid the real money here . "My salary is three hundred an hour gurl forreal yep the phone ranged I'll talk to you later said Lexiie while walking away. "Hi this is black records how may i help you?My name is J-Will and i wanted to set up an apointment to see Mr.Walker yes he is avilable tomorrow at two o clock and i will make sure he gets it. Just within an hour he had two meetings four appointments. I knocked on his office door " Come in i walked in and seen him writing."Sorry to bother you but you have a meeting with Mr.Moore in 15 minutes he had just called and this package came in as well. Thank you Ms. Reyna your welcome i quickly walked out of his office and ran to my desk to answer a phone call.


By time four hitt i was tired and it was time for me to go home i texted Lexiie she was on her way now. All of a sudden i felt a wave of nausea mixed with dizzyness i went to the bathroom and threw up i wipped my mouth and cleaned up a bit. I looked in the mirror i couldnt be pregnant or could i. I shook off the idea when someone walked in i walked out and greeted Lexiie at the main desk she was talking to someone but said her goodbyes and we went home.

When i got home i told her to go to the pharmacy so I can pick up a pregnancy test i grabbed it outta my purse i kicked off my heels and went to the bathroom i quickly opened it and peed on the stick. I put it on the counter and fixed my self i looked at it and seen a plus sign on it. I slid down the wall in shocked i touched my baby and this time imma keep my child safe.

Forever Mines Rated Mature OnlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ