Chapter 12 Reyna

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When we pulled up to Aarons driveway i seen my mom on the porch she looked happy to see me but i wasn't happy to see her. "Reyna im sorry i didn't come see you when i got home Shane told me you fell down the steps. I didn't look at her "Aarron can you pick me up he smiled at me sure baby he slid his arms under me and i put my arm around his shoulder his mom grabbed my crushes and we went inside to their finished basement which was my favorite spot of the house he sat me on the couch and sat next to me. I started crying because of the pain i was in"Aarron keep an eye out on her me and Rochelle need to get her pain pills from the pharmacy. When the house was silent I turned on the t.v and put my arm around him and he cringed a lil. "Whats wrong nothin i lifted up his shirt and seen a bruise on the side of his stomach."Aarron its ok im fine i um found out so stuff today? Liikkee my pops he told me was a drug Lord and king in Heights New York.Shane joined him and me and Shane had a talk about you too then my pops punched me in my stomach. "I will try to talk to my mom about it but she won't believe me especially when it comes to Shane. Aarron what is going on everything was goin well for us until i hate to say it but ever since Shane and your father came into the picture its been a lot of hurt goin around if you noticed. "Yea I have baby Aarron put his arm around my shoulder and I layed my head on him and drifted off to sleep


When i woke up i heard arguing upstairs cause i was still in the basement you can hear anything and everything. I woke up Aarron. It sounded like my mom and Ms.Johnson Aarron and i got up from the couch I grabbed one of my crushes and walked towards the steps i heard my mom and Ms. Johnson. " Look Rochelle i know its none of my business that you didn't show up at the hospital but really i texted you called you and i called your job they said you weren't there. "Your daughter was in that house on the floor barely breathing Aarron saw her scared to death i had to keep him calm as well.She needed you more than ever and you cant tell me where you were? Alayiah i don't need this I told her I was sorry and since you jumping down my throat jump down Aarrons! "Ever since his father came back he's been acting up and got Reyna doing the same. "Rochelle i know why my son is acting the way he is his father did just popped outta nowhere and wanted to start over again. Have you ever sat down with Reyna? I sat down with her a few weeks ago she told me bout her nightmares and how she feels you are so caught up in Shane I think he did something to that girl that scared her. " Especially when she was around Shane she was so uncomfortable but you don't see it ok im your girl your friend I'm keepin it real with you like you want me to. "I swear if another incident happens i promise you she's moving in with me until she gets her own place! I care about her like she was my own you need to get your priorities together you don't put a man before your own child. "I didn't put her before my man and i love Shane i wanna be with him but she drives him away maybe if she stops seeing Aarron then she would be ok. I squeezed Aarrons hand tight he pulled me closer to him."Why do something like that they are in love something that we once had before but things happened to us his father left and hers passed away you cant do that You already know that girl has been through a lot I can tell shes still dealing with the death of her father!!."She's not your child shes mine and i have that right to say so but shes already in pain you gonna break her heart even more." Alayiah stop it!  Aarron helped me up the basement steps i had heard enough for one night i opened the door and seen my mom. "Come on I'm taking you home Ms. Jackson shes... Aarron i don't wanna hear it nobody is fuckin happy for me I love Shane and you gonna tell me he did this to you? Ms. Jackson look at her face carpet steps don't bruise your face like that. We heard the door open seen Shane and my pops walk into the kitchen Shane gave my mom a kiss. "Whats going on here Shane did you hurt Reyna? "Baby no I would never touch her in any way to hurt her or make her cry. ''My case closed, Rochelle are you that dumb of course he's going to say he didn't do it ...If anything happens to that girl it's all on you. Come on Reyna she grabbed my arm "Ma that hurts i pulled away from her but she grabbed me tighter i knew i had to follow her."Reyna baby no Aarron im ok i choked back the tears and followed my mom and Shane back to the house. "How dare you say things like that to them about him hes a good man hes changed i shooked my head and went up to my room I laid in bed and cried and that's what i was gonna do for a long time.

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