"Just be happy for us." Auntie called to me.

"I already am, and I'll stay that way for you guys." I call back to her.

"Hurry along I have much plans for us getting back." Sesshomaru scolds me gently, and I hurry alongside him, and he opens the shrine leading to the well, and I climb over the side of the well, then I jump off.

The skirt of the blue nightgown flops up, and I hold it down the best I could, but it still showed my blue panties.

Sesshomaru jumped inside the well, as he followed me down, blue and purple swirls of galaxy-like stars engulfed us, until I land on my bare feet onto the dirt end of the well.

Sesshomaru lands next to me.  grabbing me around my waist,  and jumps high in the air out of the well, and lands on his feet. Sesshomaru let's my waist go. "Lord Sesshomaru you have returned!" I heard Jaken run up and he bows to both of us. "With your bride too!"

I drop my jaw so far down I thought I would dig gold. "Excuse me?!" I close my mouth.

"Yes, Sesshomaru decided after the fight with this Ray, he would make you his...gaah!" Jaken was hit by a rock, making him pass out cold.

Sesshomaru walked over Jaken,  and I walk around Jaken giving him a sympathetic look. "I take it you wanted to tell me and not him?"
I ask Sesshomaru and he stays silent as we leave the area, away from Kagome's village. "So where are we going?"

Silent as ever as Sesshomaru keeps walking, and hauling my book bag over his shoulder. "Do you have my purse then the black and white one?" I ask and still Sesshomaru doesn't talk to me, as we walk past the sacred tree, to go down a path, and I see A-un perk up, and tied to his saddle was my purse. I run up to A-un and pet his heads. "I missed ya A-un, how ya been?" I giggled happily at A-un as I rub his snouts, and A-un licked my cheek with his split tongue, making me  giggle more. "Stop it that tickles." A-un whines, and I pet him more. "Wow, you must've really missed me, I'm sorry." 

I stop petting A-un and Sesshomaru says.  "Kita-chan, we will be leaving for the monk castle, which is now my castle. Get on A-un."

He keeps calling me Kita-chan, why? He don't do that to anyone else though.
I mentally thought to myself, as I do as asked, hopping gently up on A-un, and I grip A-un's green fur shaking like a leaf, and gulp loudly, I hated riding on horses, they for some reason scare me, it's the same with riding A-un.

"Um...can you carry me Sesshomaru, riding on A-un scares me?" I ask Sesshomaru who ignored me.
"Look when I was a eleven I did horse riding at school on a field trip, and I fell off one, it traumatized me." I tell him, but he merely ignore me, floating in the air, and A-un followed making me hug his neck, closing my eyes tightly.

The wind rattled through my hair, as I hug A-Un's neck. "It will not be long." Sesshomaru says,  and I couldn't answer, I was too scared.

I felt A-un land gently though. I open my eyes slowly, and slip off A-un's rump, untying my purse and grabbing it. "Sorry A-un,  those other times I wasn't scared, cause of people were in danger, and I wasn't focused on the fear." I pat A-un's side. and he snorts in reply, and nods one head.

"A-un go flying with Jaken for a little bit." Sesshomaru orders A-un and A-un nods flying off.

Sesshomaru walks off into the castle, the monk castle I was at before, it looked like it was remodeled, and the graves had flowers placed on them.
Sesshomaru opens one large sliding door, letting me through, and I shut the sliding door.

I followed Sesshomaru down a hall, turning right, going down  another hall, before he opens another sliding door, where I saw a beautiful room meant for royals in this Era, the bed area was so magnificent I could not describe how the colors, and wood was designed, it was that well....let's just say it had too many details to comment on.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now