Maiden In Black: Red String Chain String

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Misspellings may occur due to our keyboards screw up Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV...


My gothic boots clomp, and crush the underbrush while I walk, in my anger and I pull my phone out and I was so angry, that I for the fuck of it played my music outloud and it played as I walk scaring the hell out of wildlife. "Where's that goddamn well?!" I mutter as I look around, spinning as I looked around me.

I snort rudely and just walk a different path, and I was probably lost, but I don't care as long I walk off my anger, walk off my inferno of a rage. I had to stop when I came upon a damn river.

"Oh come on stupid planet!!" I hop on one foot and kicked a good sized rock with my other sending it flying fifty feet. I fold my arms to my chest sulking as my music played in my hand and I move my hips slightly side to side, a habit I do when standing too long. If I'm not moving when I'm standing I go nuts.

"This is bullshit." I bitch out. "A dead guy activated my Bitch Mode. Well thanks dead guy, Bitch Mode Activated happy!!" I point up to the sky. "Dad says oooh respect the dead they are your forefathers people you should honor. What if you are dumped where I am like way before I popped into existence then play a fuckin game of Life, the actual board game, then find out, oh I was forced not to die because some guy old as sin itself wants to me to hook up with his oldest heir ya. Logic..." I blew a raspberry. "Flew the fuck right out the window! Fuck logic I live where there is no logic Star Trek!!"

Bitch Meter at 50%......

"Further more I'd drive your son insane and maybe I would have to invent an Insane Asylum for him, wouldn't that be fuuucked up?!" I rant pointing up to the sky. "Furthermore what the hell do you see in me?! I bet I can't make him laugh at all. I mean I bet his asshole is so tight he can't shit right from how recluse he is!" I seethe more into me being in bitching mode!

Bitch Mode 69%....

"Don't tell me I was born only for your grand design to be his whatever you know to copulate with! I like just met him once! Why, tell me why me?! Doesn't he hate my people I mean I'm like a broken record when I rant like I am to you! Is my filthy cursing mouth attractive or what the hell ever?!" I seethe more, my dad always said My Bitch Mode I called it would give me an early heart attack.

Bitch Mode 100%....

I blew another insulting raspberry. "Ugh! I see it now little babies running around ranting as bad as me when pissed off. Bet your son would have an early heart attack from stress! I choose my own damn path thank you very much and good fuckin bye!" I say finally done with being in Bitch Mode.

I let out a heavy ragged sigh. "Men, I swear think cause they got a dick think they can do whatever." I mutter to myself and click my music off.

"Bet, Kagome is flipping out." I stare up at some monkeys in a tree trying to get some fruit. My stomach rumbled.

Come to think of it, I haven't eaten since I don't know when?  I frown and my stomach growled louder echoing around the forest like a tigress and the monkeys holler and run off.

I sulk as I stare into the water, then I remembered Dad taught  me how to catch fish in the river. I smirk. "Dad's a genius."

I stand up from the rock I did sit on and walk into the water. I grabbed a stick along the way and stick my phone in my purse and I pull out my pocket knife from my purse, flipping the blade open and start carving into the stick so I made the end a tiny spike. I flick the blade closed when done and set it back on my purse. "Okay, here fishy fishy." I say as I stared at the shadowy tiny figures in the water and I stabbed quickly at one passing me by and I got two fish on the stick at once and they even though stabbed were flopping around like they were chickens with their heads cut off.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя