Maiden In Black: Tolerant Doggy

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Misspellings may occur due to our keyboards screw up Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV...

Okay my keyboard is screwing up so bad that when I do any kind of words they fuck up everything so all chapter in this story will be Un-Edited Drafts though Published until I fix the issues.


"Kagome look out!" Inuyasha yelled jumping in front of the web the Spider Demon thrusts upon her getting tied up with her making Sesshomaru scoff inwardly at the weak Half-Demon.

"Ugh....Kagome hit me again." I groan out my vision returning as Miroku was looking out the doorflap with a serious look.
"What's going on?" I ask kinda worried and Miroku silently shushed me with his finger.

I swallow hard. Kaede had a bow drawn with an arrow. Miroku looked to me mouthing. Keep quiet.

I then knew, the Spider thing is back for me, and I was right. "Give me the Maiden In Black, her powers will make me more stronger than Naraku ever was!" The Spider thing snarled out.

"I don't have powers the thing needs to be put in a Demon Nuthouse!" I whisper to Miroku.

"I said to be quiet." Miroku whispered.

I clamp my mouth shut. "You want to become more powerful than Naraku, dream on!" Kagome yelled in English.

"Eating that girl should give me enough power to become stronger than Naraku." The Spider Creature laughed insanely.

"For fuck's sake I have no powers!" I shout, and the Spider thing hissed.

"In the hut then she is." The Spider Creature snarled in greed.

"Sesshomaru please don't let it eat her I beg you!" I heard Kagome yell in English.

"Okay, tell me what the flying fuck is goin on Kagome?!" I yell.

"Kita shut up!" Kagome yelled.

"Make me, you gotta spank me!" I  mock her.

"Seriously are you still upset about earlier me clobbering you?! Get over it, or become Spider Food!" Kagome yelled back.

"Gimme a giant toilet then see how the Spidey fairs when I flush him down it!" I yell, and Kagome groans.

"See what I deal with, she is still raging. And the Spider Demon made it worse thank you very much for getting her going again, dumb spider!" Kagome says sarcastically.

"Whoa, whoa so I'm the worst one with a rage mode than you, seriously?! I heard you yell at Inuyasha and a kaboom goes off earlier, making me envy whatever you did, then you say only my cousin has worse rage modes than me?! Do I have to tell  these guys about your little tantrum when you were twelve when I was babysitting you when I told you you can't bring a dog in the house because it would eat poor Kitten Buyo at the time! You threw things around, I mean come on we both have it bad cousin!" I retort back.

"You two bickering won't solve anything so can you too please get along!" Miroku snapped.

"Miroku!" We both yelled.

Miroku gulped. "Yes?"

"Shut thy insolent mouth!" I yell.

Kagome yells. "Shut up!"

"Quit ignoring me!" The Spider thing roared making the doorflap tear off and I go wide eyed screaming my head off.

"Kill it!! I hate spiders!" I scream loudly making everyone cover their ears.

"Spider phobia." Kagome yelled.

"Snake phobia!" I retort back at her. "Come on snakes are beautiful!"

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now