Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!

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Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!

Warning this chapter gets kinda gross in like the prank cringy gross way!


My clothes dried finally after all that had happened, Sesshomaru never came back making Jaken sad, and I feel guilty for it.

The catnip I tucked in my purse to never let it out again, afraid if Shippo inhaled it he'd act worse than Sesshomaru did.

I sigh as I tug my long part of my dark gray hair to the side and use a hair tie from my purse I remember packing, one I kept that belonged to my Mom, Dad let me have, it was black with a silver band on it, the engravings were from Mom's folks she never met. My mom was an orphan, but her parents when they dropped her off left the hair tie with the tiny silver band, it had a long slim amber stone on the silver shaped band as a lotus flower.

My hair that went to my middle of my back that was dark gray when I tie it like that it does a weird spiky poofy thing as if it got hit by lighting, but I'm hot in this humid heat though.

Shippo still hung around not wanting to leave until Sesshomaru came back from calming his horny whatever shit down, but I feel for these passed few days liked I'm secretly being watched.

I began right away teaching Shippo today who was alert as ever to do pranks with me. "Today you are not gonna like this neither am I, but I'm glad I always pack tons of crap in my big black and white purse for anything, but I don't have gloves for children so I will pick up what we need. And sorry to say this it's not gonna smell pretty."
I tell Shippo who nods. "So do you know any plants or animals with a stinky smell?"
I ask Shippo.

"Skunks?" Shippo asked.

"We can't get skunk funk, we'd get sprayed, so that's a no. What else?" I ask him.

Shippo fell on his back rolling around. "I don't know!"

"Think kiddo what does anyone do after they eat?" I smirk.

Shippo smirked hopping on his feet. "Poop!"

"Yes poop!" I snickered. "I'm gonna teach you one prank I think Inuyaha will murder me for in the future when I teach you it, now you and Jaken go find metal buckets, and a shovel! Meet me here in ten minutes!" I whistle without my fingers a screeching whistle and point towards the monk monestary. "On your mark get set go!"

Shippo stuck his tongue at Jaken and Jaken sneers and they ran off. I pull out my phone clicking my timer app and set it for ten minutes, and the clock began ticking as I scratch A-un under both his Dragon chins. "Who do you think will find the buckets and shovels first A-un?" I ask A-un who only huffed smoke in my face. "Right me neither."
I chuckled looking down at the timer in my phone and look around seeing the two little guys were yelling at each other running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for buckets and a shovel. "We only need two buckets and one shovel remember boys!" I holler. "Then we go next to find some glorious poo in a cow pasture wherever one is, then go find a horse pasture gather poo there, then find wolf poo, or dog poo either one is fine!" I look down at my timer. "Damn time flies quick!" I then holler. "You got thirty seconds left you got the buckets and one shovel?!"

Shippo ran up holding a huge bucket over his head making me giggle at how happy he was to be learning from The Queen herself of Pranks. "One bucket from Shippo." I nod as Shippo set the bucket down as I watch Jaken flail around holding a bucket with his staff to balance it on the staff and trying to hold an old shovel that could outweigh his tiny ass. "Here Jaken let me grab that heavy old shovel you look idiotic hobbling around like that it's making me want to laugh at you." I snort trying to hold in a laugh but couldn't hide me biting my lip to hold it in with a weurd creepy smirk  on my face as I took the heavy shovel that back home could weight like 40 pounds and haul it over my shoulder.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now