Maiden In Black: Kidnapped

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Misspellings may occur due to our keyboards screw up Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV....

Kita's new look, I made an alert through my timeline about it, so please enjoy her new look memorize it well...

This is from my Style Savvy DS  Game 2008-2009.

I groggily step out of the cottage I stayed in for the night belonging to Inuyasha and Kagome. I decided on going on a short walk to wake me up, Kagome knows I do that, since I always been this way unable to stay still for even a second.

I pull out my cellphone noticing it never drained it's battery, yet had no signal, my contacts were in it, my pictures from home, even my music. I walk along the rice planting areas avoiding people working as I go by dodging them walking by with expertise.

"Odd, no service, would make sense cellphones weren't invented until much later." I mutter and pocket my phone in my purse and take out my pocket knife and flip it open and close it as I walk boredly, a bad habit dad says will make me get stitches if I keep doing it.

I began whistling the opening to an anime back home to Dragon Ball Super the second one. Soon I began humming it and then sing one part. "I can get no saaatisfaction~"

"What the hell are you singing?" I heard Inuyasha grumpily say as he walked up as I was just walking around the layout of the village.

"Limit Break X Survival. A song not in this world yet." I say and Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Shippo won't be back for awhile he has a long week test." I heard Miroku approach.

I turn to him and I nod. "How was your sleep Kita?" Sango walked up next to Miroku.

"Had a few nightmares but I'm used to them they don't phase me. I used to have them constantly as a child so much I have them and wake up not even reacting." I say honestly and Inuyasha gave me a look like he was calling bullshit.

"Where's Kagome?" Miroku asked Inuyasha.

"She went with The Old Hag to get some medical herbs just in case Kita gets sick again." Inuyasha says rather rudely.

I shake my head grabbing him in a headlock and he struggles in my headlock, and let me say nobody can escape them not even whatever he is. "Dude, respect thy elders! Elderly people shaped your society! They are to be respected! Even elderly people who have been in war, why because they fought for your rights to be you! Calling Kaede an old hag is very disrespectful! Call her that again I will put you to  sleep in this headlock am I clear impudent welp?!" I seethe at him as I have a sadistic smirk and angry rage face on my features making Miroku and Sango cringe and get pale.

Inuyasha was turning red in the face, and I let him go making him gasp for air and put a hand over his throat which was red from me holding him in that headlock. "I'm 250 years old so I'm older than her!" Inuyasha retorts.

"But, she's human we live shorter lives than you, and she is more frail than you, humans may be weak by us being born to wear diapers but think this, as we get older some humans like old as sin ones return to that situation even war veterans have become the babies, we humans once were needing diapers as newborn babies. We may be weak in feeling things some monsters cannot but that's what makes us humans us, we are unique for our compassion, even the elderly. Oh and when Kaede gets to the age she needs you to care for her, don't treat her bad or I'll shove my foot up your doggy ass got it!" I scold him making him go pale.

She's more scary than Kagome when mad! It's scary!  Inuyasha thought and gulped.

"What about Sesshomaru he's over 550 years old?" Miroku asked and I turn to Miroku blinking in shock.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now