To His Amusement

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Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!

This chapter will be funny yet sweet, with many incidents of Sesshomaru just being blocked I'm sorry folks....


I quickly shower getting clean, then I dress in the clothing I borrowed from Cousin Kagome.
I walk out of the bathroom finding Sota was running around to get himself ready. "Sota don't run by the stairs you can hurt yourself." I scolded Sota who puffed his cheeks out.

"Fine." Sota whines as I walk down the stairs, seeing Auntie packing a breakfast for Sesshomaru and I to eat.

"Where's Sesshomaru Auntie?" I ask my Auntie.

"Oh, he went outside with Buyo, the two get along though unlike the cat from the store." Auntie says confused.

"The other cat provoked him first, it's just how his brain works I guess." I say shrugging and ask. "Do you need help with anything Auntie?"

"No, I got things here, why don't you go wait with him?" Auntie replied and I smile at her.

"Auntie, we have to leave soon after visiting Gramps, we have to stop Ray from causing chaos in the Feudal Era." I say and she nods in understanding.

"I understand, but it seems Sesshomaru is dying to ask me and Gramps something. Having the look he is thinking alot about asking something since you two arrived." Auntie replied and I shrug.

"I guess you will find out soon. It's not my place to interfere with him asking something if he does." I reply to Auntie who nods agreeing.

I hug her, and then walk to the front door slipping on my shoes, and step outside, seeing Sesshomaru holding Buyo, and petting Buyo's ears.

"I thought you hated cats?" I ask him sitting next to him on the porch.

"I do, but this feline kept wanting attention from me, so I relented and gave in. To be honest this feline is gentle." Sesshomaru replied as Buyo jumped from his grasp and rubbed against my legs.

"That's because we spoil his ass so much." I turn to look behind me seeing Auntie was all ready so was Sota. "Hey Auntie is it okay to listen to my music in the car? You know on my iPod I  transfered it onto?"

Auntie smiled. "Yeah, as long as you don't have it too loud on the car's speakers, having it too loud like certain kids do ruins the speakers and lose their hearing faster than ear buds, been proven remember?" Auntie says and I nod.

"Let's listen to Pentagon!" Sota cheered.

"Who knew you'd like my music Sota?" I joke and grab Sota in a choke hold, and rub my knuckles in his hair, making him giggle.
"Though I can't understand the language I feel the emotions ya know it!" I smile a shit eating grin.

"Alright we should be going now." Auntie tugged me off Sota and giggled.

"Thank you mom she would of  made me bald." Sota joked.

I laugh as all of us walk down the stone stairway to the small old 1990's Toyota, and I get in the front seat whilst Auntie drives, and Sota sat next to Sesshomaru, and I plug in my Ipod into the tape thing, to be able to play my music, and clicked the song Makeinu by Pentagon, and put it at volume six, and Auntie began driving off.
The hospital was far away, she had to take the bus to get their the other day.

Sota and I began bouncing in our seats, mouthing the lyrics, and Sesshomaru looked amused more than hated the music in how we were bouncing around and mouthing the song. "See lively." Auntie giggled as I  do weird hand motions enjoying the song.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant