Chapter Fourtythree

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It took me a bit until I was outside, closing my jacket more so the cold wind wasn't bothering me anymore. My hands buried in the pockets, I followed some Walkers over to the office part, thinking of a way how to explain it to Alan.

Give him some time. Fynn muttered quietly and I sighed, stopping in the middle of that small free area in the woods. "I don't know..." I muttered and turned around, heading towards the seam of the forest.

Christine I know how you feel, trust me. But he needs to know that you can fight on your own. He told me, suddenly appearing next to me, wearing a thick black jacket with dark fur at the hood.

"Are you sure...? I don't want to have a fight with him for such a simple reason." I sighed, running with my hand through my hair before burying it in the pocket again, still walking over to the place where we landed with the helicopter months ago.

I am Christine, please trust me. See, he's busy now, he's still the leader of the Walkers. And even if the Germany center must seem gigantic for you, it is small compared to Bergen.

I threw a conspicuous glance at him and he smiled slightly, burying his hands in the pockets of his dark trousers.

And the fact that Greta became a Spectre adds even more work for him. And a lot more things to worry about. He looked at me while we came closer to the helicopters. It isn't easy for him right now, but give him some space.

Fynn nodded towards two persons, wearing thick jackets against the spring cold. Maybe find something else you could do. As far as I'm aware everyone is told to at least know how a helicopter looks like and sometimes how to use it. I mean look at Lachy.

I suddenly recognised the blonde reddish hair of the smaller person, almost hanging into a open hatch on the side of the helicopter, a taller black haired one next to him.

"Yeah you're probably right." I muttered quietly and head over there before I suddenly realised something. "Wait did you just told me that I'm supposed to be able to fly such a monster?!"

Fynn laughed quietly and nodded widely grinning. Yep you are. I shook my head. "No one will be able to get me into one of these things!" I noted, raising my hands. He just raised an eyebrow, still grinning.

Well I know two people who are. It took me a second to understand what he meant and I turned around, my arms crossed. "Arschloch alda..." I muttered like an offended child, slightly blushing.

Awww, I'm sorry! But hey come on, there's someone waiting for you. He stepped beside me, touching my shoulder slightly while pointing at Lachy a few metres away from me, suddenly stepping back and looking up.

"Christine!" He shouted widely smiling and I waved at him, wanting to turn around to Fynn for a last time but I just saw some particles getting blown away by the wind, indicating that he left again.

"Hey are you going to participate in our lesson?" He asked smiling and high fived me. I closed my eyes for a second before shrugging.

"I got told to do so, so yeah probably will join you then." I answered the probably youngest Walker in the whole Center. Lachlan's smile got even wider when he turned around to his mentor, quickly explaining him what happened.

The black haired man cleaned his hands on his already dirty trousers and I shook it, smiling slightly. "So well, have you even flew with a helicopter or seen one from close?" He asked me, his voice having a strong Bavarian accent.

I threw a glance at the dark grey helicopter, Alan's logo on the backside of it. "I've been in one forcefully, actually planned to never enter one again, because I'm kinda afraid of heights." I answered honestly, watching Lachlan how he closed the hatch and jumping into the machine, disappearing in its end.

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