Chapter Six

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Without a word, I held my breath while Alan turned his eyes back on the street and put the second hand on the wheel again.

He was full of fear and I was too.

"Hold tight on something, I'm gonna do something quick and risky in a second." He muttered, opening the seatbelt and turning around.

"What?" I asked perplexed and stared at him.

"If you don't wanna meet the front window in a few seconds, you should probably hold tight on something now!" He repeated quickly.

I looked behind us and grabbed a handle above me. Luckily in time, otherwise I actually would have met the front window.

Alan hit the break suddenly and the car was thrown around so we were able to see the five left over police cars, racing towards us. Two of them stopped and blocked the way out of the street.

My eyes widened as Alan still wasn't doing anything and some of the police men got out of their cars and started shooting, while the three others were still driving towards us.

"God damn Nilsen where are you?! My partner cursed, and started driving backwards, while looking over his shoulder.

A few bullets hit the metal of the car, but they weren't doing anything. But a few of the bullets directly hit the front window and I screamed in fear, lifting up my arms.

The front window shattered into little pieces.

Alan kept driving and I opened my eyes slowly, seeing the bullets and the glass still being where they were and just moving slowly.

"What the..." Alan whispered, noticing what had happened. I looked at him, same way confused as he was.

Luckily a stone wall appeared right in front of us, saved us from the three bullets, now moving the same speed as they should, slamming in the massive stone.

"Kyrre NOW!" Alan screamed and a ramp made of stone appeared behind the wall. I was wondering where Kyrre was and where all this stone was coming from.

The car stopped another time.

Alan hastily activated the clutch and changed gear, the car shot forward suddenly.

For a few seconds the car was flying over the other police cars, then we hit the ground hard again and crashed into the two blocking police cars.

In the right corner of my sight I saw a quick-moving black shadow next to our car.

"Open your door!" Alan shouted and I immediately followed his instruction. The black door opened and Ryan jumped into the car and closed the door again.

"Hey buddies!" He grinned, almost invisible underneath his black mask, covering half of his face.

I climbed back over the seats to make the seat free and Ryan pulled his mask down.

"God damn, be lucky that the new code worked Alan..." Ryan whispered, trying to catch his breath again.

Alan chuckled. "The best test is always the crash test mate!" Ryan shook his head laughing.

Something landed with a loud bang on the car and I screamed, while Alan and Ryan just started laughing.

"Chrissy could you open the back doors please? I don't want Kyrre to get shot up on the roof there!" Ryan asked.

I stayed where I was. "Chrissy? You're fucking serious?" Ryan rolled his eyes.

He opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by other loud sounds, which I identified as bullets hitting the van.

"Okay okay, no need to panic..." I muttered, climbing over the seats again and walking past my dead body.

It's weird to see your own body, lying on a table, lifeless.

Something banged against the door again and I opened it quickly.

Kyrre jumped in, wearing a black hoodie and a mask and grabbed a handle, so he can't get thrown out of the car by Alan's risky driving style.

The door slammed again and Kyrre sat down, catching his breath like Ryan did before.

"And now we have to get to the point somehow..." He laughed breathless.

Alan kept following the street, trying to act normal.

"By the way Alan, I didn't knew you have the time code activated..." Ryan muttered and turned to him.

Kyrre got up and went past me, to get to the two back seats. He pushed his hood back and lifted up his hand to his neck.

His mask dissolved into a small cloud of pixels and as soon as he shook his head, his black clothing changed back to his gray suit again.

Alan ran his hand through his hair and sighed. I sat down next to Kyrre, trying to ignore my body on the table.

"It wasn't me." He sighed. Everybody, including myself, looked at him shocked and curious.

"It was her." He pointed backwards at me, and now Kyrre's and Ryan's eyes were on me.

I stared at him. "This can't be, I mean.. I..." I started stuttering. "I'm just a... okay not normal... But I'm.. what?!"

Ryan looked at Alan the same way shocked than I did. "She..!?" Both Kyrre and Ryan asked, shocked.

"Yep, she slowed the time down, so the bullets didn't kill me and she gave you the chance to construct the wall to save our butts another time." Alan replied.

Shocked silence was the only thing that followed after that sentence.

"But... She.." Ryan got interrupted. "Hold kjeft idiot..." Alan muttered quietly. "Senere, men ikke nå, okay?" He added.

I knew it was Norwegian and I wondered myself, that I was able to understand it.

"Men hvorfor ikke nå?" Ryan asked.

"God damn Taylor be quiet!" Alan yelled and Ryan turned his head away.


Somehow I wanted to tell them that I was able to understand them, but because of Alan's slightly angry reaction I was afraid to ask.

Alan opened his mouth to ask something, but he got interrupted by sirens behind us.

"Oh fuck god damnit!"

The car rushed forward again, towards the highway, trying to leave the police cars behind us.

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