Chapter Fourtheen

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Slowly I walked through the doorway and looked around in the small living room.

On my left side was a small bookshelf with some books and a flat screen TV.

//How they can have a TV down here?!// I asked myself, glaring at the black screen and walking forward.

On the right side was a table with four chairs and a small counter, a small fruit bowl on it.

Curious I walked to the fridge but as soon as I wanted to open it, a small window popped up in the left corner of my eye.

I rolled my eyes, opening the call as Ryan showed me it.

"What's up Ryan?" I asked him studying the content of the fridge. "Hey Chris, um.. you said that you're ready for the implantation right?" He asked me, while looking at some papers.

I nodded, while closing the fridge again and walked over to the third door in the flat. "Yep I did!" Ryan put some papers away, looking up to me.

"Did Alan explained you, where you can get it and how they'll do it?" He asked, then looking back on his papers and stood up.

"Nope, he didn't... We didn't talked much about that stuff to be honest." Curious I opened the last door and looked around in the white bathroom. In the right corner was a basin with the shower and the toilet was shielded by a small half height wall.

Suppressing a yawn I closed the door again, walking over to the bedroom. "Okay well, you have to get to outside, then go to the other elevator. You'll have to go to Level B, room 18. A Walker will wait for you there, and you have to sign some paperwork, before they'll put in the chip in your mecha." Ryan explained.

"I didn't knew that there is another section except the one here." I mentioned, sitting down on the upper bed. "I'm right now in that other section, you know that I'm almost one of the coordinators here." He added.

"Unfortunately, because of that mass of paperwork here, I can't bring you there yourself, and I think Alan and Oli are too busy and Kyrre and Ingrid aren't authorised..."

I shrugged. "I found my way through here the last weeks without a map so I think I'll find that small room there tho!" I grinned and opened my backpack.

Ryan smiled. "Just look out for another gigantic tree. I see you found your new room?" He asked, taking a closer look at my environment. I just nodded and stuffed my clothes in the wardrobe.

"When I'm done here I'll go over there." I told him, grabbing the gray Originals hoodie I got at few weeks ago.

Ryan nodded. "I can't wait until you're finally registered tho!" He smiled at me. "Well then I don't wanna bother you any longer, cya later!" He waved at me and ended the call.

I sighed and closed my backpack again, going into the bathroom. I put my toothbrush into the cup hanging on the wall.

Yawing I turned around and left the room again, throwing the backpack on my bed again. I left the small flat and searched my way to the elevator.

It has been a month since I was outside the last time and I was kinda nervous.

Alone in the whole stone tunnel, I pushed the button and went into the the cabin. I pressed the O button and waited until the doors opened again.

Blinded I closed my eyes and walked out of the elevator. The sunlight fell through the leaves and the air was warm.

Smiling I looked around and took a deep breath. The doors behind me closed with a quiet sound and got covered with bark again.

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