Chapter Thirtyfive

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I grabbed a water bottle and headed over to the table with Kyrre I just spotted in the corner. He looked up and gave us a surprised smile.

"Oh the couple is back in town?" I stopped suddenly, my eyes widening and I felt the blood rushing towards my cheeks. Alan laughed and pushed me forward.

"Gosh did everyone from the mission picked up Paul's bad jokes? Kyrre how often we're not a couple!" I blushed even more and Alan sat down next to his friend, while I sat down opposite to Alan.

I dared it to took a quick look at Kyrre and regretted it instantly. He glanced at me widely grinning and I saw the blue call string between Alan and Kyrre. Sighing I rolled my eyes and started eating.

"I can live better if you would talk to me open and not via a call." I noticed sarcastically and grinned a bit as soon as I heard Kyrre gasping and then coughing surprised.

Alan started laughing suddenly and I looked up, giving him a confused glance, but grinning widely as soon as I realised why he was laughing. "What? Why do... From where do you know that we... are on a call?"

His friend next to him chuckled. "She can see the calls as a blue string and before you say anything! I know its weird!" Alan raised his hands and grinned widely.

"Thanks, I know that I'm weird..." I whispered underneath my breath and took another bit of food, not looking at them. "Hey Chris I didn't meant that!" I heard Alan suddenly saying concerned and I looked up.

He smiled a bit and I rolled my eyes. "If someone is ever going to solve these mysteries, I'll give this dude a award!" Kyrre laughed quietly and touched my shoulder slightly.

"Hey don't worry okay? You're here and that's everything that counts okay?" I rolled my eyes and kept on eating. Kyrre sighed and Alan started eating too.

A few minutes later, we were done and I got up, grabbing my tray and waiting for Alan to get up too. My friend stood up and followed me over to the wall of the kitchen, putting the tray on the counter.

"How long are we here again...?" I asked quietly, noticing that I completely lost my time feeling after the mission. Alan wrapped his arm around me and guarded me out of the cafeteria, Kyrre followed us quietly.

"We're here again since five hours." Kyrre answered my question quietly. I sighed. "Jesus, I should get used to this watch..." I chuckled and glanced at my arm with the watch.

We passed the elevator and Kyrre stopped suddenly. "I'm going upstairs again, I wanna meet someone there." He told us and I stepped towards him to hug him. "Okay see ya around!" Kyrre chuckled and hugged me back.

"See you!" He entered the elevator, which came the second he said goodbye. I waited, leaning against Alan's chest, until the doors closed again and looked up to Alan.

He turned me around and wrapped his arms around my hip, leaning his forehead against mine. "Are you okay?" Alan whispered quietly, looking into my eyes.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Yeah I am idiot." Alan gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and stepped back a bit, cause his watch was suddenly ringing. "Oh Cam is calling me... Sorry, I'll see you later okay?"

A bit confused I nodded and hugged him. "Greet your family from me.." Alan chuckled and touched my cheek slightly, before he turned around and disappeared in the crowds heading towards the elevator cabin.

I yawned and closed my eyes for a second. As soon as I opened them again, I glanced a bit confused at the blue point in the right top corner of my sight. Instinctively I concentrated on it and my vision changed.

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