Chapter Twelve

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I glared at him and Alan glared back.

"The urgent help signal we received. The reason why we came to pick you up?" Alan frowned in confusion before he stood up and started walking around in the room.

He buried his hands in the pocket of the gray hoodie again and kept walking.

"I didn't send any signal or anything, I didn't know that that even existed..." I muttered confused, trying to follow him with my eyes.

Alan stopped. "Yeah... I should have known that it couldn't have been you, but..." He sighed. "Did you see a Walker or someone else staring in your direction when you freed yourself? I thought you were staring at someone before you fought back."

He ran with his hand through his brown hair. "Only he used these tricks..." Alan whispered quietly.

"Uhm, yeah. There has been someone..." I answered carefully and shyly. Alan's eyes flashed. "Who? Have you... oh yeah, sorry... I don't think that you've been able to see his tag right?"

I shook my head. "No, but I've seen him before. Someone took over my body and knocked the guards out, then again after they broke my neck and then, um, remember in the woods? Then I saw him again!" //And a few minutes ago again and this time I was able to see his tag...// I added in my mind.

"You had the feeling that someone had taken over your body...?" Alan asked worried.

"Y-yeah. At that point and in the woods again." I answered slightly confused.

Alan sighed. "O...okay, thanks... Thank you for telling me this!" He muttered softly. "Ingrid will come soon to check you, so take some rest before that." He smiled, gently pushing me back onto the bed.

I was too surprised to do anything against it. He smiled and touched my neck slightly. "One last question before I'll leave you for a while..."

Alan sat down next to me, looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked with such a worried voice that I blushed and I started twisting some hairs.

"Y-yes! Why? I mean why you're worried about me, I'm just one of the thousand Walkers here." I stammered, looking up into his beautiful blue greenish eyes.

"I told you before! You're special that's why!" He chuckled before standing up again. "Take some rest, your body needs it!" He smiled and opened the door slowly. "Oh hey Ingrid!" He smiled.

"H..hey!" The girl answered shyly, trying to get inside the room while Alan was blocking the doorway.

"Well I don't wanna bother you two... see you later Christine!" Alan waved at me smiling.

I blushed immediately. "See you, Alan..." Shyly, I turned my head away. The door closed and the blue haired girl came closer.

"H-hey how are you feeling?" She asked quietly.

"I'm doing good, still feeling a little bit sleepy, but better than almost two weeks ago!" I chuckled and she smiled slightly.

"That's good to hear. How's your neck?" She asked, while opening the little bag she brought with her and sitting down on the chair Alan was sitting at a few moments ago.

"It's like before. These mechas are just awesome! How do they work?"

She chuckled shyly. "I'm glad to hear that your body accepted them so well!"

She put on the blood pressure cuff on my left arm, pumping it up. "It's literally just a replacement for your bones." Ingrid answered. "You've been the first Walker to have a neck mecha."

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