Chapter Thirtynine

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Alan's clothes under my arm, the sport shoes in the other, I jogged over to the elevator, trying not to loose my house shoes.

The smell of warm bun were filling the main corridors and my stomach growled hungry. I smiled a bit, waiting for the elevator to stop at our level and take me to Alan's.

A few moments later I was knocking at Alan's door, pushing it open after I heard a quiet sound from inside. I let the backpack and the shoes falling down on the ground, throwing Alan's clothes on his bed again, before entering the living room.

My eyes widened surprised and I smiled a bit when I saw Alan at the stove, obviously making breakfast. "Don't try to burn the whole center okay?" I chuckled, walking over to him and wrapping my arm around him.

Alan gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, before turning the bacon in the pan around. "I'm doing my best Chrissy!" He chuckled and pointed at the cupboard. "Can you put the dishes on the table please? Even if it took you ages to be here again, time was too short to get everything ready!"

I rolled my eyes laughing and opened the cupboard grabbing to glasses and two plates, walking over to the table. "I have to calm down Ingrid and prevent her from destroying our room, that's why it took so long!" I encountered and put the dishes on the table.

"She did what?" He asked in disbelief and hissed as he accidentally touched the hot pan, while he was turning around to me to gave me a confused glance. "She demolished our room. I won't tell you any details why, cause they're belonging to Ingrid but yeah our flat looked like a hurricane rushed through."

I chuckled and shook my head to get rid of the pictures I've seen, probably Ingrid's memories. Alan raised one eyebrow, still sceptical about what I've said. Smiling, I opened the drawer and grabbed the forks and knives, putting them on the table too after I walked around the counter.

"Well..." He muttered surprised and turned the stove off, putting the bacon on a separate plate with some paper underneath it to soak up the liquid fat. I leaned against the counter, watching him with my head slightly tilted and my arms crossed.

"I thought it would be a good idea to invite her to our training. I've set the time to 11am by the way!" Alan shook his head laughing. "You keep surprising me Sweety!" I sighed, pushing me away from the counter and sitting down at one of the chairs.

Alan handed me a water bottle and I filled out glasses before picking up the fork and putting some bacon on my plate.

The paper bag filled with warm bun was quickly emptied, like the plate with the bacon. I leaned back, putting my glass on the wooden desk again. "That was tasty tho." I noticed and laughed when Alan nodded seriously.

He raised his arm, looking at his watch and groaned. "If we wanna be punctual we should hurry up." I checked my phone clock instinctively and chuckled. "We should. 10 minutes to go!"

I put our plates above each other, putting them into the dishwasher and going over to my shoes, taking them on. While Alan was changing his clothes to his sport clothes, I was waiting in the corridor, checking through my phone again.

A few seconds before Alan came out of his room, a WhatsApp message reached me but I didn't have the time to check, cause Alan was pulling me outside again. I threw my phone onto my backpack, before the door slammed shut and we were on our way to the main corridor.

Instead of turning left towards the elevator, Alan pulled me right and down the corridor. He stopped at a smaller door, opening it and revealing the second roof top level.

I rolled my eyes laughing, jumping on the first roof, making my way to the ladder. It felt good to run again, without a gun or a soldier in your neck, just running cause you can move.

Quicker than I thought, I reached the edge of the rooftop section and started to climb the ladder down to get to the floor again. As soon as my feet touched the ground again, I took a look around, looking out for Ingrid.

I found her, putting her stuff at some benches on the opposite side. Concentrating, I closed my eyes and focussed on her, knowing that she would turn around surprised suddenly and walking over to us.

Alan landed beside me and rubbed my shoulder. "Better tie your hair up Chrissy, we're going to do some quick work today!" He looked up when Ingrid came closer and stopped in front of us.

"Where did you learned to poke someone?" She asked chuckling and tied her hair back with a black bandana. I smiled widely while Alan gave me a confused glance. "Oh I see! He told you right?" Ingrid burst out laughing and gave us a smile.

The tall Norwegian next to me frowned in confusion. "What did I showed her?" He asked but suddenly his eyes lightened up. "Oh. Lol." Alan laughed quietly and kneeled down to tighten his shoes.

"Before we'll grown into the floor, we should start now. Let's run some rounds first to get warm, then stretch our muscles, do some warm up exercises. Have you ever heard of kickboxing?" He smiled warmly and I nodded, starting to stretch my legs already.

"Okay we'll do a good half to one hour of kickboxing, before I'll chase you over the parcours and the rooftops, and if you still have enough energy, I would train the fire code with you okay?"

I blinked a few times before I nodded. "Okay got it." Ingrid chuckled and stretched her shoulders. "But we'll be joined by someone new, so don't be too harsh to him, alright?" She raised one eyebrow but nodded.

Alan raised his voice and waved a blonde boy over, probably around the age of 15 or 16. "Lachlan come over here please!" The teen came closer and stopped next to Ingrid, crossing his arms and smiling up to Alan, his right blue greenish eye sparkled with excitement while his left eye was lighter, more greyish and murky.

"Chris, Ingrid, am I allowed to introduce you our newest and probably youngest Walker? Lachlan, this Christine, you probably heard of her already and that's Ingrid, one of our best healers in the world!"

The boy raised his hand and I smiled back, encountering his high five. "Cool dich kennenzulernen Christine!" I chuckled surprised as he suddenly spoke fluent German and smiled back. "Auch nett dich kennenzulernen Lachlan!" I answered smiling.

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