Chapter Seventeen

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Alan opened the door and I followed him in the gigantic training hall. Now I understood why he said that the hall is going over Level A to C.

It was a hall, good 100 meters long, ca. 30 meters wide and 10 meters high. And it was filled with lots of obstacles, some reminded me of rooftop parcour obstacles, some were the usual sport obstacles like benches.

I stopped after a few steps and looked around, fascinated and shocked about the size of that hall.

I heard Alan chuckling. "It's insane isn't it?" I just nodded speechless. Alan grabbed my hand. "Come over here, you're staying in the entrance." He grinned and pointed at some Walkers entering the hall and putting their water bottles on the few chairs at the side of the hall.

"So.. what you wanna do with me?" I asked him, glaring at him how he jogged on the same point. "First: warming up a bit and have a look how athletic you are, then so some gymnastics, then I'm going to try teaching you some parcour running!" He grinned and started jogging along the side.

Surprised I started following him and was glad that he slowed down a bit as soon as he noticed that I couldn't follow his speed. Alan grinned.

"Not such a good stamina hm?" He laughed and I gave him a death glare, too breathless to say something. "You.. hadn't been told to stay calm for the last month!" I gasped, trying to hold my speed. We arrived our start point again.

"Yeah okay, sorry! But come on you have to be honest, you wasn't athletic before that!" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes before I nodded.

Alan touched my shoulder slightly, dodging some laughing Walkers running towards us. We ran five other rounds before Alan decided to stop, cause I was trying to catch my breath and turned kinda red.

We stopped in a empty corner and I started stretching my legs and shoulders, still trying to catch my breath while Alan was like he was before we warmed up. He stretched his muscles and I noticed how much my agility has increased cause of my spine mechas. My spine always caused problems before and I'm glad that they're now fixed.

Alan pointed at my back. "How's your mecha? First test isn't it?" I nodded. "It's doing good I think!" I gasped, slowly catching my breath again.

I took a look around, still speechless about the constructions in the training hall. The rebuild rooftops, hanging at different heights in the middle of the hall were amazing, but there were some other parcour obstacles like gates, walls or fences.

Alan pulled me over to a door in the covered stone wall and opened it, revealing a small room, filled with basketballs, skipping ropes and gym balls. He took out some heavy gym balls and skipping ropes and brought them over to our corner.

"Ew.. and why do we need those?" I pointed at the gym balls. Alan chuckled and gave me a skipping rope. "I'll explain you later, now we have to keep our muscles warm a bit!" He chuckled and started jumping.

I rolled my eyes and followed his example, trying to warm up my leg muscles as good as I could. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulders to scare me. Out of reflex I grabbed the hand on my right shoulder with my left one and turned around quickly, hitting my attacker with my right hand. I grabbed his neck, pulling him down and rammed my elbow in his back before I suddenly noticed who scared me.

Alan fell on the ground laughing so hard that I was able to see tears running down his cheeks. "Oh fuck Oli I'm so sorry!" I gasped, helping him up again.

The tall man just laughed. "You're little protege has god damn good reflexes Alan!" He laughed after he hugged me shortly. I stared at the floor blushing a bit. "It was a reflex from the self defense lessons I had..." I muttered, scratching my neck.

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