Chapter Eight

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I turned my head away, trying to ignore his questioning glare.

Something touched my head, causing me to look up again. Alan was trying to put a headset on my head.

I lifted up my hands to put the headset on correctly and turned even more red as I touched his warm hands. "To protect your ears!" Alan screamed against the noise from the rotor.

Ryan and Kyrre had a headset on too and ignoring the situation, I started chuckling, because it was so ridiculous to see me on the opposite side, with the headphones on, kinda like I was sleeping.

"But answer me one question..." I turned back to Alan. "Why do I have to wear headphones too? I mean I'm a hologram right now aren't I?"

Alan shook his head to say no. "Yeah you may be just... Okay that's complicated... You're... Ew..." I couldn't stop laughing, he was so helpless.

"It's okay, tell me later!" I grinned, but this grin disappeared as soon as the helicopter lost the contact to the ground.

Alan wrapped his arm around me again because all the colour in my face disappeared. I'm definitely not made for flying. Now proved. Totally frozen, I sat there while Alan was rubbing my back and I was trying not to panic.

"It will be better when we're a bit higher..." Alan muttered into my ear which gave me goosebumps.

"O...okay..." Was the only thing I was able to say.

The helicopter stabilized again and I took a deep breath. I hadn't noticed that I was holding it all the time from the start until we arrived the height that we were flying at. Suddenly Alan took his arm away and I looked up from the floor, staring at the others. Ryan, with a big grin on his face, Kyrre, trying not to laugh, and Alan turning into a tomato, too. I blushed as I realized how it had looked to the others.

"Gosh.. no please guys!" I stammered quickly, still being red. Alan scratched his neck, looking out of the window.

I sighed quietly and looked, still blushing, out of the window.

A few moments later, it was me, who broke the silence, or to be correct, the sound from the rotor, again. "Where's our destination?" I asked, while looking out of the window, trying to figure out where we were.

"To the center in Germany." Ryan answered, yelling against the noise.

"And.. what's that?" I added confused. Ryan gave Alan a glare.

"Come on Ryan don't look at me like this, I'll explain her everything but not now, I wanna like to use my voice tomorrow!" My neighbour yelled.

Damn helicopters are loud! Alan muttered something towards me, but I wasn't able to hear it and when I asked him, his response was: "Nothing".

I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window again, seeing that the ground was coming closer again and we were flying right towards a forest.

The trees came closer and I expected us to crash into them any second.

But no, we flew right through them as my eyes widened. Alan couldn't help himself and started laughing loudly. "You should have seen your face!" He giggled and started laughing again, while Ryan, Kyrre and I glared at him.

"Ass.." I whispered and watched, how we were slowly landing and the rotor started moving slower until it stopped completely.

I took of my headset and in the same second the door was opened quickly. Alan took the headset out of my hands. Four masked Walkers jumped into the black helicopter with a stretcher.

"Room 294 now, EKG, intravenous injections, full blood and make her ready for reanimation!" Ryan yelled, following the four Walkers, carrying my body.

I gave Alan a confused glare, but he just nodded towards the exit of the helicopter. A bit wobbly on the legs I walked out of the Helicopter and was really glad to have the ground underneath my feet again. Alan grinned, right as he heard my thoughts and grabbed my arm as my legs gave way.

"It will be better after two or three more flights." He promised, pulling his mask down and leading us towards a giant tree.

I glared at him. "Even you can't get me into that thing again - forget it!" I answered, slightly panicking.

He just laughed. "We'll see..." I gave him my best death glare and shook his arm off. "Kyrre bring her to the room and tell her what's happening now. I have to try if I can find #6465, I think Ryan needs some help..."

He hugged me tight before pressing his right hand against the gigantic tree.

A small door opened in it and I glared at the the elevator behind it. "Welcome to the Center!" Alan laughed, pushing me into it.

Ryan was already in it, checking my body and muttering something really quick in I think it was Norwegian, but I wasn't sure. The doors closed. The only person talking was Ryan, and I was glad when the doors opened again.

The seven walkers including me went out of the elevator and I was pulled to the side.

"I'll see you later, okay? Don't worry everything will be okay later, I promise!" I looked up to Alan.

Before I could answer anything, he pulled me into a tight hug. Surprised, it took me while before reacting, but then I hugged him back. It felt like hours until we stepped back.

"You're special, did you know that?" He whispered.

I blushed and turned my head away.

Ryan saved me. "Chrissy come, we don't have that much time!" I slightly touched Alan's shoulder before following Ryan and Kyrre.

Our steps echoed back from the dark gray, uncovered stone walls.

//How deep under the earth are we??// I asked myself, while following Ryan, Kyrre and the four Walkers carrying my body on the stretcher.

The tunnel splitted into two different ways. Ryan muttered something and hugged Kyrre. "I'll inform you how it went okay? Don't be too feared, she'll get through it!" He whispered and they both nodded, before Kyrre turned around to me, waved at me and took the left tunnel.

Ryan waited for me to come over to him and nervously I came closer. The four other walkers already had opened the door with the big white font on it, saying "Room 294 | Reanimation"

He grinned and I followed him in the clean, white room.

In the middle of the room was the stretcher with my body lying on it, several monitors and stuff around it, but there was another stretcher right next to it.

"Lay down here, okay?" Ryan pointed on the empty stretcher. I just nodded and lifted myself up there to lie down.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in Ingrid, thanks for joining us!" Ryan answered without looking up from the monitors.

The door opened and I turned around to see a tall young girl with short, blue dyed hair and sparkling green eyes.

"Christine, that's Ingrid, after me one of the best Walkers in the healing code!" Ryan pointed at her.

The girl just nodded shyly and I muttered a quiet "Hey"

She walked forward to Ryan and they started discussing something in a language I couldn't identify.

I looked to my left, where my dead body was lying, a machine next to it, beeping in every three seconds.

Then I noticed that the body was breathing and the machine right next to it showed the heartbeat.

//How...!? I was dead..!//

I stared at it, shocked. Ryan touched my shoulder.


I didn't have him an answer but I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to take me away, as soon as I breath in the anesthetic gas.

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