Chapter 1 |:| Home Sweet Gladiator

Start from the beginning

     I looked at my pedes and they were free I got an idea and quickly brought my pedes up and kicked him off. He used his tentacles to grab my blades and throw them to the side. I huffed and took a fighting stance. I charged and started to attack throwing punches and kicks whenever I could. Soundwave found an opening and countered my move. He brought out a blade and cut my side, I grunted and looked at him. He had a sad face on his visor. I shrugged slightly and pulled him down while hauling myself up.

     I kicked his side but he dodged and knocked me off my pedes again. I jumped up and we engaged in fist to fist. We sort of alternated I hit him he hit me, and so on. I left my abdomen open and he punched there and hit my faceplates. I fell over getting an extremely bad helmache. I started to lose consciousness seeing black spots in my vision. I knew it was good for me and Soundwave. But the audience would be disappointed. But who cared. I knew I didn't.

     I heard the speaker say something about how Soundwave won, but it was muffled like I was underwater. I felt a few bots pick me up rushing for the med-bay. It just zoomed by I couldn't quite tell what was going on. I just wanted to stop time-

     My flashback was interrupted by the med-bay doors sliding open. I dropped the tool I was holding and turned to face the bot who entered. To my surprise, it was my brother, Elementburn or as I called him Element. He was holding two energon cubes as he stood their frozen optics wide, "Y-you're awake," he stuttered dropping the cubes. He rushed over and wrapped me in a hug completely forgetting my injuries.

    I winced in pain when he squeezed a bit too hard. He noticed my pained expression and let go quickly, "S-sorry, I just missed you. You were out for three days," my optics widened "Three days!" I yelled shocked. He looked away as if he did something wrong. I sighed, "I'm just glad I lived," he smiled and walked back over to the door and picked the energon cubes up. Element turned on his heels and moved over to me with both of the cubes. He handed me one and I gladly took it.

    That's when I just realized how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten in three days the thought of energon made my mouth water. I downed the energon quickly wiping my dermas getting rid of the energon. I looked over to Element to see him smiling, What was he so happy about? I thought starring at him with a confused look. He seemed to have got what I was asking about, "Nothing. I'm just happy your back...............ohh and you have a match in four days, against-" He paused an expression of fear drowning his faceplates, "against, Fireblade," My optics widened, "That newbie? Why?" He walked over to a medical berth sipping his energon as he did so, "He, well, he challenged you, it's to the death," I sighed and looked down.

    I had to kill a young spark. Though I only did death matches, I might have to make another exception. We will have to wait and see. I looked back to my brother as he was cleaning his tools, "Am I cleared?" I asked straightening up a bit. I needed to get to the training room and hit something. Probably wear myself down again, I always did. I had to train hard to stay where I am on the leaderboard, especially since I knew there was a competition coming up in five meta-cycles(weeks). I had to keep in good shape and make sure my combat is at its best.

Element turned around putting down the tool and the cloth he was holding, "Yes, just don't hurt yourself anymore than you are I'd rather see you in the ring than in the med-bay for another three days," He stated, I smiled and walked out waving a goodbye, right now I felt like I had to check up on my weapons, see if they are all still in my quarters or if some smart mech or femme decided it would be funny to raid my berthroom.

Element turned around putting down the tool and the cloth he was holding, "Yes, just don't hurt yourself anymore than you are I'd rather see you in the ring than in the med-bay for another three days," He stated, I smiled and walked out waving a g...

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    If somebot did that I would personally see to their execution

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    If somebot did that I would personally see to their execution. My weapons are my life. I would rid them of there sparks and throw their lifeless husks to the cyberwolves. As I stalked the hallways I came across one room I had not seen before. I looked to my right, wait I had seen this room before, I just hardly came down this hall. The room I was now staring at was Megatronus'. That was why I never came down this hall I'd rather not talk to him or meet him for that matter.

    After all, he would be one of the hardest opponents I would be facing in the competition. Not that I could probably beat him in a sparkbeat, with how small and fast I was I could shred him though maybe not. As I said before I will keep third on the leaderboard, neither moving up or down. I am happy third and it will be that way 'til my spark is extinguished.

    I continued down the hall until I reached my quarters. I opened the door slowly making it squeak on its hinges, I winced at how loud it was. I never liked loud things especially sounds that would give away my hiding place. I entered the room to find it how I left it, in the far left corner my berth was up against the back wall, on the left wall hung my weapons, on the right wall were shelves with a few datapads on top while under the shelves was my desk. Oh, I can't forget I have a weapon sharpener in the far right corner, that was very important. The blades needed to be sharp to perform a quick and painless death.

    I stepped in and shut the door behind me and walked over to my berth. I hit a button on the wall that changed my roof to see the stars and the two glowing moons. I lay back in the berth and stared up into the dark abyss and smiled to myself. This was home. This was my life. This is...

My place.

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