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Sad and happy secrets

Daniels POV
I heard a knock on the front door. I answered and saw everyone standing there soaking wet because apparently it started pouring. I let them all in and got them towels to dry off.

Jonah: Daniel buddy what the hell was that.
Daniel: I don't know. I couldn't take it okay. I- I don't know. Thought were going thing head and that was my first instinct.
Jack: to run?
Daniel: yeah.
I look to my left and saw that Corbyn was crying in the corner of my eye.
Daniel: Corbyn you alright.
Corbyn: no.
Christina: what's wrong.
Corbyn: a lot.
Zach: like what.
Corbyn:  Ashley died.
Christina: WHAT! 
We all have shocked Looks on our faces while looking at Corbyn.
Daniel: Corbyn I'm so sorry.
Corbyn: They finally identified Ashley's body. Blood was all over her and they struggled identifying her body until they finally did.
Christina: omg Corbyn I had no clue why didn't you tell me.
Corbyn: I don't know I'm sorry.
Christina: it's ok but if I knew you were like that dad I would of helped you or something like. We all would of.
Corbyn: I know.

We talk for a few more hours and then everyone went home. Then a few more hours it was around 7pm my mom and Tyler got back home.  I talk to them for a little then they go to bed. I cry myself to sleep. When I was finally asleep it was 12am.

Jacks POV.

Zach and I stayed up talking to each while Reese and Ryan and my parents were out doing whatever I don't know. While that happened Zach and I decided to do our own things.
Zach: so...I'm bored what do you want to do?
Jack: oh I don't know.
I give a small smirk and came closer to Zach. I crawl on top of him and then I decided to kiss him. He kisses back. It starts as a soft, but passionate kiss. Our lips move in sync. We take breaths at time, the kiss becomes deeper and deeper. I start to kiss around Zach's neck leaving hickeys. Opps.
It turned out as a heated make out session. We then lay next to each other and Zach cuddles into my arms.
Damn I've fallen for this boy so hard. So freaking hard.
(Ok my dirty little mind just got triggered by my own saying 😂. Im sorry.)

A few minutes later after my thought on Zach I finally fell asleep with a smile on my face with a shirtless Zach cuddled into my arms.

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