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He was determined to kill us all today he started kicking at the door finally it broke..........

We were all still silently breathing kinda, not saying anything. Not making any eye contact. Not looking at him to draw his attention, nothing. We kept our heads down till we heard 4 gunshots and a gasp and a flinch. It was someone in front of me it was either Jack, Zach, or Jonah.
I heard him laughing
Man: told you I would kill you
He walked away and kept shooting towards us. I waited 45 seconds and let out a quiet quick breathe. And waited a little till I knew it was completely safe. I looked and saw that Zach got shot in the arm, but was still alive he was bleeding I then took off my sweatshirt and slowly and silently got up not making any sudden movements and wrapped my sweatshirt tightly around his arm to stop the bleeding. It was his only chance to live. If I didn't he would bleed out and die. The lunch detention was over hours ago it started at 12:00 now it's 2:45. We sat there not saying anything praying everything will get better till the other door was kicked down completely making all of us flinch. Then we heard yelling I GET UP AND PUT THE HANDS IN THE AIR WHERE WE COULD SEE THEM!
We all instantly stood but also helped Zach. We all stood in fear we all relaxed a little when we saw the men with guns they were good we then saw the bullet proof vest and then the S.W.A.T Team on them. Instant relief. I heard them say your cleared follow me. We all followed in the hallway we saw bodies and blood everywhere and blood stains and some of our friends lying helplessly and dead in the hallway covered in blood we started to tear up from the sight. I saw Jonah tear up more because Jane was lying helpless in the hallway in a puddle of blood. We were finally outside we all ran to our family. When I reached my
Mom I started to sob hard and fall into her arms
Daniel: m-m-mom I-I saw A-A-Anna g-get s-shot. S-s-she's g-g-gone.
I sobbed so hard I couldn't breathe she hugged me
Daniels mom: Everything will be alright we don't know if she is dead.
Daniels: he shot her twice I-I saw it.
Daniel mom: oh my god my baby I'm sorry you had to see that.
"Oh Anna baby I'm sorry"
My mom started to cry in sorrow.
Then I saw Tyler and the rest of my family besides Anna. From the distance I saw Corbyn family and Jonahs family and Jacks family. I saw Corbyn run up to Christina. Im glad she was ok she seemed nice. All the families were mourning from all the people that died though. I saw Zach get put into an ambulance to get his arm checked out, but I saw blood on other places I heard 4 shots they had to of hit someone else in there, or hit a desk. Then I saw it. His shoulder, he didn't notice no one did. I ran up to him and the paramedic and told them about his shoulder they then rushed him to the hospital and wrapped it up to try to stop the bleeding so he wouldn't die. I hope he doesn't though he doesn't deserve to die. No one did. Especially Anna.

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