Chapter Fourtyone

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Someone knocked at the door when Alan pushed me back into the bed gently, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Ryan opened the door, wearing his standard grey hoodie and smiled slightly at me.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you, but Tim told me that I should check if we could turn of the medication." He said, coming closer and opening some windows in his WV, appearing in front of him.

Alan stood up, stepping back a bit so Ryan would be able to reach me. Ryan sat down on the edge of the bed, touching a wire once before watching a new opened window closely, obviously checking something.

While Alan was watching him closely, he removed some wires, only one was remaining, a transparent liquid dropping from a bag into it. He smiled at me before standing up again, muttering something real quite to Alan and looking at me again.

"So I just told him that you can leave tomorrow, we just have to get you hydrated again. I'll tell someone to bring you some food, you definitely need some more minerals."

He explained before turning around to the door. I glanced at Alan, he kinda doesn't looked like Ryan had told him this.

//Hydrated? I almost drowned!// I wondered, but smiled slightly and nodded, twisting my hands. Ryan muttered one last quiet sentence in, I assume Norwegian, and turned around, leaving the hospital room.

Alan sighed and touched my arm slightly, before looking at the door. "Well then... Before I'll get you some food, uhm... Would you tell me where you've been?" He whispered quietly, looking at me, his eyes shimmering worried.

I turned my head away, looking on the opposite wall, trying to find an answer.

"Chris please... You've been away for three days, without a sign..." His voice broke off and what he added kinda scared me. "I thought Fynn convinced you to teleport and I... would have lost you..."

I glanced at him at shock my eyes widened. "Why would he do something like this? And even if there aren't any dangers while teleporting aren't there?" I muttered surprised, still trying to find something for an explanation.

He turned his head away, his blue eyes turning darker.

"There are dangers Christine. And they're even bigger than you can imagine."

I gave him an surprised glance, trying to figure out what he meant.

"We weren't expecting it. But the day you disappeared, a Walker in Lithuania disappeared too. Just like you, but with one little but huge difference."

He glared at me straight.

"We found her in two places. At the same time."

It was silent for a few seconds, while we were both staring at each other.

"Can you understand now why I was so worried about you?" Alan asked quietly.

I looked away and nodded.

"So what happened...?" Alan asked again, touching my cheek slightly so I had to look at him again.

I lowered my glance. "What happened to her? Do you know yet?" I tried to escape the question, not wanting to answer at all.

He sighed and stood up, turning around to the door. "No." Alan answered and I watched him walking over to the small desk, sitting down on its edge.

"There are already some rumors, some are saying it's a general glitch in the chip, some are saying she got caught during teleportation, some are saying that it was something caused by the government." He told me, crossing his arms and looking at me in a strange way.

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