Losing Control

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A few days later, everything is normal as can be that is if your fighting bad digimons that are causing chaos to the city. Tai and along with the digidestined were up against a fight with four Dark Tyranamons. Gabumon and Agumon handle one, Tentomon and Biyomon handled the other, Patamon and Gatomon handled the other amd Gomamon and Palmon handled the last one.

"Not these guys again"

Joe said.

"Less talk more fight"

Tai said as they all took out their digivice.

"Gabumon digivolve to.....Garurumon"

"Biyomon digivolve to.....Birdramon"

"Patamon digivolve to.....Angemon"

"Tentomon digivolve to.....Kabuterimon"

"Palmon digivolve to.....Togemon"

"Gomamon digivolve to.....Ikkakumon"

"Gatomon digivolve to.....Angewomon"

"Agumon digivolve to.....Greymon"

As the battle began, not to far away from where the fight was BG was standing on one of the tall building looking down at the battle with a slight smirk on her face. She jumped down to one of the closer building to see the fight up close. As Greymon let out a shriek and an attack.

"Nova Blast!!"

He yelled as he shot out hot flames from his mouth towards Dark Tyranomon. Tai and Matt weren't to far from the fight as they tried giving their digimons encouragement to keep fighting but during the fight Tai notice that something is off.

"Matt do you see that?"

Tai asked to Matt. Matt frown but didn't notice anything.


"Dark Tyranomon is not even bothering on fighting Greymon. He is giving everything he has towards Dark Tyranomon but he is not even giving Greymon a glance at all"

Matt finally notice and was also confused by the action.

"That's strange"

Greymon kept trying to give Garurumon a chance to stand but Dark Tyranomon is not giving him a chance. Greymon was about to throw another attack but froze, his eyes turn from brown to bright red. Tai quickly notice and yelled out for him.

"Greymon!! Hey are you there?!"

He yelled but Greymon ignored him as he let out another shriek and turn to face Garurumon and charged right towards him. Matt glared at Tai.

"Hey what do you think you're doing we're all on the same side"

"Its not me, something is wrong with Greymon. He's not listening to me"

Tai said as he looked at Greymon whose eyes were bright red. Greymon throw a Nova Blast to a building where people were at him, he was getting out of control. Tai gasp in shock.

"No!! Greymon!! Stop!! There's people there!!"

Greymon turn to Tai and let out another Nova Blast. Matt quickly pushed Tai out of the way. They quickly looked up to see Greymon froze again and this time his eyes turned from bright red then back to its natural color. Greymon closed his eyes as he digivolve back to Agumon who fell unconscious. Tai quickly ran to Agumon, the others ran towards Tai along with their digimon after they saw what happened.


Tai said quietly. Matt placed one hand on top of Tai's shoulder.

"Don't worry we'll take care of the rest"

Matt said as he ordered everyone to finish the fight. It didn't take long for the Dark Tyranamons to be destroyed. Everyone went back to their form and gathered together. Gatomon sadly looked at her crush but froze when she felt a cold breeze, she turned around but saw nothing, she then looked up and saw Black Gatomon standing on the edge looking down at the scene but then backed away with a smirk. Gatomon frown as she was confused as to why BG would just walk off for if she and Agumon are together.

'She must have did something to him'

She thought. Tai carried Agumon all the way back home as he was also confused at what happened and to what caused Greymon to act up. Once Tai, Kari, and Gatomon got home, Tai placed Agumon on his bed and covered him up with a blanket to give him some rest. After a few hours, Agumon woken up, they all sat together in the room minus BG.

"I honestly don't know what happen"

Agumon said after Tai explained to him that he was losing control.

"I'm sorry it was like I couldn't control my body"

"Its okay buddy, you just take all the rest you need because I don't think I want you to digivolve any time soon until we figure out what caused you to act up"

"Maybe it was a glitch?"

Kari suggested. Tai shook his head.

"No it can't be, then why would Greymon be the only one affected"

"You do have a point"

"What about BG?"

Gatomon suggested. Agumon frown at the mention of his girlfriend.

"What does she have to do with this?"

"I saw her at the battle today she was only observing but didn't bother to come and help you out"

Gatomon said with a glare towards Agumon.

"That doesn't prove anything. Besides you said she is a friend so why are you now making her sound like she is an enemy"

"Look okay I know you might not want to accept it but I knew their was more to a reason why I ratted her out to Myotismon back then but I don't remember why but what I do know is that she is bad luck"

"BG has nothing do with this."


"Okay everyone just relax"

Tai said sternly.

"Its late, I'm pretty sure we are all just tired. So how about we all go to sleep and deal with this in the morning."

Everyone agreed and off they went to get ready for bed. BG was sitting on top of their roof with her knees up close to her chest over hearing the conversation. She frowns as she sat and placed her arms across her knees and placed her head down as she softly cries.

'Nobody understands. I have to do this whether its selfish in everyone's eyes but I need to do this for me'

BG thought sadly as she stood up and wiped her tears and looked up to moon that was high in the sky as she jumped from the building into the next one and the next.

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Gatomon X Agumon X BlackGatomonWhere stories live. Discover now