A Close Encounter

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[18 Months Ago]
-Friday's Afternoon

"Have any kids of your own?"

Wasn't it too soon to ask that? Nara looked young. Or at least assumed it.

"Feel free to pick the neutral option, sir" she sure shouldn't care about how he was randomly ticking spots when the survey itself was made up. Or was he not? She couldn't tell. The stranger was a fast reader for someone as old and without reading glasses. He waved the inclination away, an easy smile plastered on his face "If you must know. I never felt neutral about a thing in my life. You either there or you're not. Wimps go for it. I'm not a wimp"

Okay.. There was this large mole on his cheek that granted her the distraction she wished for throughout the monologue; Nara shifted her stance curbing herself with absolutely no intention to indulge. The stranger continued nonetheless and the mole was there to lower case his solemn tone.

"Everyone is pushing their selfish agendas in your face; and when things aren't in their best interest all of the sudden; they feel neutral"

Nara was nodding alright, if not convinced at least gratified he didn't require an answer. Because if he'd acquired it, she'd give the flat out truth. Selfish agendas are the locomotive behind this fast moving train and no amount of virtue or chivalry acts will change that.

She looked behind the man to the inside of his house only to remember the purpose of this little visit inviting her in. "May I trouble you with a glass of water?" Nara scratched at her throat emphasizing the beggar she was.

"Not at all young lady" kindness weaved in his features and Nara smiled wider to witness it.

Closing the door behind her, she scurried after him through a hallway and stood at the threshold of the kitchen. He danced around the kitchen whilst speaking about United nations or again wimps; she couldn't tell because her attention couldn't go past the black blotch in his living room.

The large dark blotch in the middle of the beige rug surrounded by newspapers and plastic wraps. Nara just knew. kindness wasn't free in these times.

A shift in the air unnerved her senses adding to the sudden quietness. Nara wouldn't have turned without pulling out her fire arm. It's the standard.

The second she looked his way she spotted the kitchen knife in his hold and the twisted look on his face. The welcoming she had actually expected. Took him long enough.

:Who sent you?
He seethed, an unnatural twitch to his movement.

:that's not for you to know.

: I'm gonna find out anyway. His voice came calm again. -Things tend to unravel fast and easy if you gave in, young thing.

And there laid the superiority complex he carried so effortlessly. Nara had grimaced.

:You're old. It's not as intimidating as you think.

It was. Nara hates old, more experienced folks just as much as the concept of getting older itself.
And this was her just biting back, absolutely no offense taken. Yet the sensitivity of the subject wasn't enough to tick him off as it did her. His calmness wouldn't waver.

: Is it Van? He finally asked. Arms crossed and all but disappointed.

:what kind of name is that? Nara tried not to show her confusion; -don't give more than what you can take is underlined in the books. So was -Attempt for baiting.


-Saks hisener?
But which one is that? With the knife dangling from his hand haphazardly it became more evident to her how this sort of situations wasn't new to him. His assured stance not one of a fake.

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