Veterans and Vegetarians

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"What did you mean by taking the innocence's card out?"

"Hmm?" Nara had been fiddling with the radio and it apparently annoyed the other occupant of the car, so this was his halfhearted attempt for a distraction. And it came out mostly halfhearted because when did he ever needed to talk?

"You said killing animals took the innocence's card out"
Nara had settled on a light talk show with decent background music.

"It's a... this haiku mum used to read to me when I was young." She spoke solemnly. The memory proving difficult to recite.

"I don't remember the exact words but it went on about the importance and worth of a single soul rather how it affects universal synchronization"

"Synchronization" Simone echoed, "very sophisticated. How come?"

In those times, Nara takes the time to regain her control over the words that could slide out of her tongue. Ridicule never sat well with her although Simone's kind was always on the amiable spectrum.
"Like when you precede destiny in your actions, go ahead of time... it falls back, and as it tries to keep up with your forerun, lots of things may slip in that mere second." Nara gestured "So natural disaster "
The young man regarded her with curiosity "Like the butterfly effect?"
"Yes, but not the innocent type."
"Oh" yeah, she could say how it was more than a flip of a wing and a hurricane but he said it in a way, like consequences had never had the nerve to bother him. So Nara had to let it go.

"You missed the turn"
"Yeah, we're not going back there"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't understand what it has to do with animals' killing though. Just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you have to rub it in everyone's faces"
Nara sighed "where are we going?"

"You know the plan. And you're just being a hypocrite"
"We need equipment"
"I've got it covered"
She ran her hand through her hair, sure he thinks so.

"You didn't answer" he glanced over.

Yeah, She knew of a plan. This was the unaired, unannounced episode.

"If..." and she was trying to frame it as mild is it could never get in her mindset "you were able to electrify millions of harmless chickens on daily basis, slash through a cow's rib while alive, skin a snake or a freaking crocodile. How does it not equal putting a bullet in some guy's head?"

He nodded slowly in deep thought, yet by now Nara had figured out how Simone wasn't by any form the attentive or caring type, even though he tries to make it look like he is. Even though she truly wishes he was.

She leaned back into her seat, flicking the seatbelt while deciding to go for a short answer instead. "Killing is killing right?"
He furrowed his eyebrows "yeah?"
"There you go."
"It still stands against you" Simone wasn't biting at her, she was sure.
"No it doesn't, I could be restoring the balance"
"With haikus and ruthless slaughtering" he snorted.
"Add some Goma-ae on the side, man" and she didn't think to take it personally.

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