A fool's introduction II

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There was the fact that Nara is self centered. It was affirmed when she left her mother on her death bed to buy an ice cream from a shop three miles away because its frozen beverages were gelatin free. One may call her selfish but still she liked her ice creams cruelty-feee and extra salty.

Plain childhood is what makes semi-adults such as her.
Seemingly questioning and ultimately unanswered.
It's about detachment and being raised by a single mother. Their years together were short, and what she remembers of them is even shorter.

Those days were like a sunny day you spent at a sunflower field, your allergies flaring but you rather run your pants off over admitting so.

Then came her years of adolescence and resembled a dangerous cliff over a deep dark sea.
And her dad oversaw the fall painstakingly.

About adulthood she has no details to regard.

Stuck in riddles and deals with devils where she happens to portray the latter.

Ralph, an ex-prosecutor by orders of the chief prosecutor himself directs a special force department; no funds, no paper trail. Especially assembled to take down the top dogs. Red bulls. Heads of corruption.

It's been going on for seven years now.

The original team had some modifications along the journey. Leading to a final product of five. With Nara in it for the past three years.

Ralph was strange in nature, that much was clear the first night she met him, he played her like a musical instrument and for once she didn't have it in her to object or discourage.

And there was the tight grip he had on everyone involved which wasn't too different from the one he had on her. It peaked Nara's curiosity, his mighty hold.
With a demanding nature Ralph obtains not only materials but mortals too.
And she just had to sniff around more suspicious than admiring.

It was interesting to see, for Nara the way in which Ralph had provided enough reason to set things into motion. He handed out concentrations of motivation to the bunch so to capture their allegiance on tight ropes.

And when she figured out everyone's cut of the cake, it was too late to ask for a piece. The cake itself, was sour. She was almost assured.

Ralph had promised Jacob -the over paranoid entrepreneur- a certain material gain from a certain party. And apparently not for the heck of it. Jacob's drive go beyond that of a materialistic man. He's in it for the meat cut.

Layla -the digital devil- on the other hand was offered a promotion no mortal could guarantee. 

As for Simone, it was a bit more complicated than that.
Objectives collected into this queer mush and it came down to her to unsnarl it.
She looked between, behind and underneath them to spot the bluff any half a brain would be expecting.

The few weren't criminals to begin with. Yeah Jacob had advised many and Simone had plucked himself out of a dirty pit but none of 'em was to stand in Nara's muddy boots.

Her motivation? She was easy. No jail time or death penalty got her.

And alternatives were hardly present at the table the night she signed the confidentiality contract. Going up against her former employees tasted bitter and beneath her morals. But by the time Layla questioned what morals did she have, Nara was already decorating her two syllables with imaginary dots.

If it's not about getting on. It might be about right and wrong.

And how she was still stuck in-between.

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