Out of the ordinary

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"It wasn't horrible. Unique. Tolerable? Not horrible"

"When it comes to terrible terrible occurrences, horrible people are always to blame"

"No, not when terrible is from perspective"

"So you do think he is horrible?"

Nara contemplated her answer.

A detour had been taken, a coffee shop was invaded, chairs were pulled, drinks were served and there she was, successfully distracted.

"I never said he isn't." She resigned. In her mind he wasn't. Not completely.

"Okay, so you're defending the night and not the knight"

Nara cocked a grin unable to contain her self. "In what chapter did Jacob fit into that category and how did I miss it?"

Simone cackled attracting the attention of a middle aged woman to their right; unaware of her glares he continued gulping down his drink. "We're all knights out here"  yeah, if virtue was the new currency. Nara reflected turning away.

She looked around the coffee shop; several conversations falling in hearing proximity. One table had two women huddled together; one sobbing and the other took on the task of comforting her.

"He was a clicker"

"The guy Jacob is after" she sighed. 'He is so obsessed.' "He's obsessed"

"can't blame him"


"fell out with the few early this year, he's been trying to turn him, burn him or wear out his defenses. Wouldn't tell me."

"He told me something else entirely"

"What'd you expect?" He can't handle another Suki incident. "He can't have another snitching incident"

Her eyes widened with a familiar heat creeping up her neck. "Sheesh, Dim down the accusations a bit" She muttered turning her attention back to the recent 'widow?'

Simone lifted his hands in surrender "His words.

So, what'd you find out?" "hmm?"

"Down the meat shack, anything interesting?"

"Yeah, he sells bovine eyeballs. Can't find that anywhere" Nara gave distracted, soon realizing the sobbing lady was mourning her son.

"Aside from that unusable piece of info" to Simone had deadpanned unimpressed.

She shrugged her shoulders, leaning to her right as inconspicuously as possible to have a better shot at hearing the two women's hushed voices. The bulkier female had grey hair and a condescending feature to her while the other sat hunched munching down a chocolate cake between her muffled sniffs.

Nara turned to Simone chagrined with the piteous attitude or the friend's words of unjustified wisdom. "It always amuses me to see how people deal grief, although it's never pretty to watch them gobble up their faces like there's no tomorrow" She didn't mention the other woman's supporting role of expanding the distress in her because on the off chance she wore those shoes she didn't want to regret gibing.

Taken by surprise, it took Simone two sips to answer her inquiry "Yeah, well depends on the food really"

"Pfft.. I'd be surprised if it surpassed the taste of two months old socks." wasn't it obvious?

His nose scrunched and she snickered away her discomfort. Her mind running with what it had fished out immediately, it was too soon to fall into that pit. 'Us few had nothing to lose. Or already lost the little out there to care for.' She thought studying her scraped closed fist. Faded scars from old battles were painting her skin with renewed bitterness. For a long time now she had been fighting for the wrong side. And she isn't at all willing to admit it.

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