Rabbit Roles

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[ 18 Months Ago]
-Monday's Night

Nara was sitting, arms crossed watching the news with little to no interest, Jacob beside her having his late dinner.

Recent pictures of the clickers were scattered across the table as he went through them informing her of what he'd address as a must know.

The news anchor paused when a video clip of Mac Jefferson's latest speech was aired. As proud as one can get Mac stood announcing last Sunday's bust as a win for the city against crime and crime lords then gone ahead and singsonged his deals and overdue promises.

He had been climbing the ladder of the scene in the last seven years just as simultaneously as Nara but exactly at the opposite side of her.

At first Nara was actually pretty pleased with the outcomes; competition wasn't enthralling as she watched her clients taken away from her.

But later on when Ralph's prejudice fell into view she began to question not and go about doing what she's told.

It was easier, she wanted sweet protection and they needed numbers. It didn't matter who'd fall in the middle.

Jacob lifted his head to look at the screen as his jerking knee stilled.

:He's a club member


Nara turned to see his eyes still glued to the tele.



:He's an elite.

She scoffed showing her disapproval with the subject and grabbed a bunch of photos to look through them.

:Enough with bull.

:I mean it. Ralph is dying to get in that circle he'd do about anything for him.

:And what does that have to do with us?

Staring incredulously at her, Jacob opted to shove the spoon into his mouth without giving a proper answer.

It didn't concern her what Ralph wanted and what he didn't.

:It's a job. You do yours, I do mine and that's that. You don't have to complicate things.

:Fu*king clueless. Every time you walk out of that door there's a death trap waiting on you. They're selling us, and selling us cheap at that.

There has been a death trap outside of her door ever since she was 12. She could tell Jacob how that wasn't necessarily bad but then again he tends to not give her angle any credit.

Nara's attention span soon got cut and moved on from Jacob's unrealistic assumptions when her eyes spotted a friend but not so much. A buddy she once dared to call.

Stan stood, his back straight with arms crossed next to two guys she didn't know. Shaking the picture in her hand Nara placed it on Jacob's again moving knee to ask about assholes involvement with clickers.

:he's a cousin of the McKinley's. Stanley Stock.

Gerbil never seemed to like him. She mused.

:Used to run the eastern block and moved up from there. The other one is Suki. The in-Law.
Jacob continued

Sidetracked by the in-Low :Isn't he a bit too young? She inquired.

:he's twenty four. That's like thirty out the streets.

Nara snickered at the absurd notion.
:oh. And I can't be out.

:what do you mean? Why not?

:I used to work with him.

She pointed at the bald head in the center. With a face that made being called a fairy as something dreadful.

:Stanley? When?

: A long time ago.

: Alright, think he trusts you still? Get on his good side and..

:It didn't end well.

:tsk! Didn't end well how?

:it didn't end well like me trying to kill him.

:Do you end up killing everyone you know?

His inquiry sounded irritated and somewhat sincere.

:You always do shit like this. I don't understand what goes around in that head of yours.
Jacob further whined.

:settle down.

:what are we supposed to do now?

: I guess we'll have to go back to plan A.

:No, this is plan A.

:Not if we're not doing it.

:Exactly, we'll be switching to plan B.

:I came up with it first so it's definitely not plan B. You just want it to go your way. Control freak.

:Well.. if you weren't such a hotheaded goon it would wouldn't it?

:You should be careful, my motivation to help you out on this one is starting to leak.

:So is my tolerance Nars,  but you don't see me complaining.

Nara huffed, retaining any residues of annoyance in the room.

:When is it anyways ?. She asked.

With the photo draped in his hand, Jacob's wariness rose over the surface making it a little difficult for her to not feel at fault.

:Saturday's night.

:that's... I have this thing on Friday.


: I thought it to be a week from now. Too soon mate.

:What are you talking about? I TOLD YOU specifically LAST Saturday of the month. Could it get any clearer? It couldn't. And what sort of business do you have on a Friday ?

:Something that has nothing to do with you.

:Nice going there.

:You're the one who'd asked.

:Is it Ralph's?

:No. personal.

:Fine. You don't have to tell me shit. Just freaking show up.

: I said I would, didn't I?

:Look, it's a one time bash, if you screw it; it's over.


: I'll come up with a plan. Go through the shots and recognize 'em well.

: Yeah, yeah.

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