We're Done

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*1 Month Later. Big Time Skip But Idgaf*

Jess's POV

It's been a month. Trevor should be coming back now, and I was dreading.

A lot happened in the past month. Let me inform you a bit on it.

We reported the text to police, and they Andrea in for the plan. But Sarah kept her phone. The police kept trying to find her, but she kept moving places. Well, today, they ave extra guards at the place she should move next. Then we'll catch her, put her in jail, and all this can be over with.

I'm still not over the fact of Trevor kissing that girl, well, making out with her. He hasn't texted me or called me and I'm glad, actually.

"Hey Dan!" I said to the boy that was standing at me doorway. He engulfed me in a hug and I smiled widely. I got to know Dan a bit better, and he's actually really cool. And he's my type *wink wink*

"Hey Jess" He said and smiled at me. We went upstairs and sat on my bed. I groaned.

"What is it?" He asked and played with my hair. I shut my eyes, almost about to go to sleep. I love it when guys do that.

"Jessica Caylen! Get down here NOW!!" I heard Jc yell and I shrugged, looking at Dan.

"We have to go down there" He said and I gave him a smug look.

"Fineeee" I groaned and got up. When he got up I jumped on his back which he got off-guard and almost stumbled on the floor and I laughed at his fail.

"Piggyback ride!" I yelled playfully and he rolled his arms, carrying me down. Once we got there my eyes widened.

Trevor's eyes turned to complete anger once he saw us. I smirked.

"Hi" I said, shifting higher on Dan which made his breath hitch. I smirked wider.

"What the hell?! Who the hell is he?!" Trevor asked, marching over to us. Dan looked at him with a disgusted face.

"So you're the one who cheated on her?" He asked, venom dropping with every word. Trevor kept his cold glare.

"I wouldn't cheat on my GIRLFRIEND" He practically yelled the word, pulling me off Dan's back. Dan pulled me back and glared at him.

"No Trevor, I saw the video. And, I-I don't want to be your g-girlfriend a-anymore" I said quietly, looking down.

"I-I-I" Was all that came out his mouth. I gave him a warm smile.

"I hope you and your little bitch are happy together" I said and marched upstairs and crying my heart out into my pillow, with Dan comforting me.


"This is the place" A tall, buff police officer said as we left the car.

The place Sarah is at now is an old building. It was small, like gas station from the outside.

"Inside we have a lot of guards, at least 30 of them. And there's at least 20 of us" He says and we nod.

The police does their little calling, telling everyone that was in to come out now. But no one came.

"You guys stay here" He tells us and we all nodded. They went in and the next thing you know, a cloth is placed over my mouth and I pass out.


this story is almost over =DD

hope ya enjoyed this update!

if you're confused on what went on here's a little recap:

Dan (or Daniel) came over to visit Jess. Trevor comes back and seeing Jess on Dan's back. he's jealous. and blah blah blah TIME SKIP XD

they're at the place that Sarah should be, ya know, to get Jc to be "hers".

anyways, what do you guys want for the next chapter?

Jevor Drama


Sarah's confession and Sc (or Jarah idk) drama?


jessica caylen // t.mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن