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Jess's POV

After he told me who it was, I was in complete shock. I just looked out the window while saying, "Oh"

And who was it, you may ask? Sam.

I never liked Sam. I always liked him as a brother, nothing more, nothing less.

*At the house*

"Jess don't make It awkward around Sam, okay? He's here right now" Jc says as we get out the car.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I say getting my stuff and going to the front door. He opens it and everyone's downstairs, to my surprise.

"Jessica? Klan ask. I nod and he smiles, running and hugging me as everyone joins him. I laugh and hug everyone back.

"So, um, where do I put this stuff?" I ask Jc, looking at my bags.

"In my room." He says, as I go into his room.

Sam's POV

I like her, a lot. Yeah we're 3 years apart, but love shouldn't matter on age, right?

I walked behind her in Jc's room.

"Hey Jessica! Need help?" I ask, making her jump a little. She looks nervous and nods. I smile.

We finished setting everything up in about an hour.

"Hey Jess, um, I need to talk to you...' I say, as she sits on bed.

"Yeah? What is it?" she smiles, oh that perfect smile, it makes me melt, Cliché I know.

"I-I um l-liked you a l-lot' I say, as she giggles at my nervousness.

"Sam, I don't like you in that way. I always thought of you as a brother, nothing more, nothing less, I'm sorry Sam" she huffs and walks out the room.

"Oh" I say, while getting my stuff and walking home.

Jess's POV 

I really hope I didn't hurt his feelings. I mean I probably did.

I walked out of my room slowly, as everyone turned their heads to me. I didn't like all this attention.

"What happened?" Jc asks me.

"I don't like him. He likes me. I probably hurt his feelings Jc, what if he doesn't wanna be friends with me anymore?!" I yell, crying into his chest. He rocks me side to side and hums, "Thank You" by MKTO.

"But Jc, the thing is...." I start off,

Jc's POV


Hello everyone! SO for chapters I'm changing it up a bit! It'll just have some word/words or something. Maybe on The One to? I might not do the rest of the Imagines 4 u guys, :(. Sorry, just not really feeling it

Peace xxxx

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