1st Day Of School

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Jess's POV

"Jess, Jessica" I hear Jc call say my name (sounds dirty)

"Wake up. You don't wanna be late on your 1st day of school" he says, smirking. I slap him and push him out my room.

Not a morning person.

I take a shower and brush my teeth, brush out my hair and choose an outfit.

I choose a t-shirt that says "Not A Morning Person" and top it off with a black oversized sweater.

I put on black leggings and black converse, get my school supplies and head off to school.

I walk in and everyone's attention comes to me. Suddenly 2 boys and 2 girls race up to me, I smile weakly at them.

"I'm Zach" the blonde one says. He's tall and fit, and has his arm around a blonde girl.

"I'm Cara" the blonde one says, she's about 2 inches shorter than her, boyfriend I suppose.

"I'm Xavier" a another blonde one saysm looking simliar to Zach. He also has him am around a dirty blonde girl.

"And I'm Cecila! But call me CiCi" she says, preppy and smiling. I smile at them.

"I'm Jessica. Its nice to meet you guys" I say, shaking their hands, except for Cici. She pulled me into a hug.

"By the way there's another boy in our group, his name is Michael. He's nice once you get to know him" Cici says smiling, I nod.

"Sooo, what class do you have now?" Cara ask, I look at my schedule.

"Language" I tell her, she nods.

"I have that!" a brunette comes running up to us, I assume he's Michael. He gives me a toothy smile.

"I assume you're Michael." I say laughing, he chuckles.

"Yep. I see you've met these dweebs" He says, and the rest look offended. We both laughed.

Diiiiiiiiiiing, I hear a bell ring. "I guess that's the first bell" I huff, they nod and laugh.

"Bye guys!" I wave to everyone else except Michael.

We walk in the classroom, and no one is here.

"Hello Jessica. You must be the new student?" A woman ask me, she looks about in her 30s.

"Yes, yes I am" I smile. She smiles back.

"Well I know you new students love to sit in the back of the classroom, so you may sit back there. Michael no bothering her" she scolds him, he laughs and nods.

The classroom starts to fill up, everyone looking back here at me. I just looked down at my plain yellow notebook the whole time. I need to decorate this.

"Okay class we have a new student in the back. Please stand up Jessica" Ms.Carlen says. Yea I learned her name.

"Well, hi I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess. I just moved here with my brother, Jc Caylen and his friends. I love to hang out with my friends and explore everywhere all the time. And I don't like to take people's shit either" I say, smirking. The teacher smirks at me, wow she allows you to cuss, that's great.

"Thank you Jess. You may take a seat" she smiles warmly at me. I think this teacher really likes me.


Its lunchtime and Michael, Cara, Zach, Xavier, and Cici and I sit at this lunch table in the back. I like it over here.

"So, Jess we're gonna play a game. We'll tell you about ourselves and you tell us about yourself. I'll go first" Cara says, I nod.

"Well for starters my full name is Cara May Doniver. As you can tell, Zach is my boyfriend. I have one little sister, Ciara, and she's 7 and I love her to death. My dad died in an accident 5 months ago and I have a step-dad I don't really like. I love to shop as you can see" she laughs, "and experience new things" she finishes and smiles.

"Okay my turn" Zach says and starts. "Okay my full name is Zach Xavier Jenson. As you may tell, Cara is my girlfriend. I have 2 older brothers, TJ and Quinn. They're both 23 and in college so I don't see them much. My dad left us when I was about 3 so I don't remember much of him. I love to skateboard and play the drums" he finishes and smiles, I nod.

"My turn!" Cici says all preppy." Well MY full name is Cecila Madeline Starr. As you can see, Xavier is my boyfriend. I have 2 sisters, Leah and Caroline. They're both at college to. I still have both my parents but they've been fighting much so I don't know how much longer its gonna last, but I'm still happy on the outside." she says smiling, i nod.

"Well, my turn" Xavier says "My full name is Xaiver Zach Jenson, and as you can tell, Cici is my girlfriend and Zach is brother which he didnt mention" he growls at Zach and i laugh. "I have 3 older brothers, Zach, TJ and Quinn. I love to longboard and I play the sax" he says, professionaly. I laugh.

"Well that leads up to me" Michael smiles, "My full name is Michael Jack Ameson, weird last name I know. I have 1 older sister, Maddie, who's like 34 but I see her a lot. I have my mom and my step-dad, and he's a pretty cool guy I guess. My real dad beat my mom, and he then went crazy and comminted suicide when I was 3, so I dont remember him much" He says, tears filling his eyes, I put my hand on his leg to relaxe him and then remove it.

"I love to pennyboard and I love Arizona tea. I love to wear vans and snapbacks" He says, my eyes go wide at him. Just like Jc...

"Who's Jc?" they all say in unison. I laugh.

"Well, my full name is Jessica Caylen Castillo. I have a boyfriend, Trevor Moran, and I adore him. I have 1 older brother, Justin, or all we call him Jc who's 21. I love exploring with friends to" I say smiling, they smile at me.

Just then the school bell rings rapildy, and everyone gets down on the floor.

"Tornado drill!" Michael screams (a/n i dunno if schools really do this, but mine does so :D)

I get down by him and start giggling uncontrollably, followed by the rest of us.


"Yeah?" I ask Jc, who just called me down. I hope Brunette B- I mean Sarah isn't down there.

"How was your 1st day of school princess?" He asks, picking me up and spinning me around, Brunette Bitch just rolls her eyes. I giggle to make her even more mad.

"I had fun! I met like my first 4 friends" I say, smiling. He smiles down at me.

"Thats good. I'm glad you had fun" he says, I smile.

"Jc! Can we go to the mall?" Brunette Bitch asks. Haha I'm not calling he Sarah.

"Sure. Jess do you want anything?" Jc asks. I shake my head.

"Bye Jess" he says, as Brunette Bitch drags him out the door. I just wave good-bye.

Lord, please don't let me kill her.


um so no one commented on the other contest XD so lets try again

All I need is a little love in my life, all I need is a little love in the dark.

A little but Im hoping it might kick start

Me and my ______________


Peace xxxx

jessica caylen // t.mWhere stories live. Discover now