We'll Be More Than Friends...

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Sam's POV

I've been a mess without Jess (haha that rhymed ), I can't believe she ditched me for Trevor!

I mean I'm way better than Trevor. I have better looks, and all the girls love me. How could she not love me?

I escape my thoughts and roll myself out my bed and walk to the kitchen. A yellow note on the fridge catches my eye, it says.

Dear Sammy,

We all went out for ice cream. We'll be back by at least 3.

Love, mom

I groan and go over the O2L house, I have nothing else to do.

Jess's  POV

"I never knew why she didn't like me. I mean I wasn't a nerd in school, I wasn't popular. I had my friends and no one bullied me. She just targeted me for some reason" I shrug. Right now I was telling Trevor my story on Alisa.

"She would call me the common names. Like fat, ugly, stupid, all those. I never knew why so I ignored it" I shrug, "My friends were always there for me though"

"Wonder why I ever went out with her. She was the common slut" Trevor says and we laugh. Soon we hear a doorbell ring.

"I got it!" Ricky yells, "Oh hey Sam!" he says. "Guys come downstairs! Sam's here!"

"Hope this goes well" I say and we pad downstairs.

Sam's POV

There she is, hand and hand with him. I try to look away but I keep staring. I can't help but stare.

"Sam my man! Why haven't you been coming over?" one of my best friends out the group, Jc asks.

"Uh" I stop to think of a lie, "My mom has been needing my help a lot with the kids. I haven't had the time to come" I lie and he believes me.

"Hi Sam!" Jessica comes up and hugs me. I hug her back, breathing in her scent.

"I've missed you" she whispers in my ear, sending cold chills down my spine. I smile warmly.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" I ask, as we all sit on the couch.

"Lets ply 7 minutes in heaven!" Kian shouts, man I didn't even know he was down here. Where did our friendship ever go?

"Wait lettme call Andrea, Jenn and Rebecca. I don't wanna be the only girl" Jessica says and laughs.

A few minutes later they all come and take their seats. We then begin.

Jc spends the bottle and it lands on Ricky. We all burst out laughing.

They enter the closet, and we suddenly hear whispering, but that's it.

"Time's up!" Connor yells. When he opens the door we see Jc and Ricky halfway through a kiss, all of us laugh.

"My turn!" I say and spin it. It lands on Summer, perfect.

Jess's POV

As Sam spends on me, perfect. Note sarcasm.

I look at Trevor for an answer, and he nods. We go into the closet.

As we go in Sam kisses my neck lustfully. I push him off.

"What the fudge Sam?!" I whispers yell, he shrugs.

He keeps kissing my neck and biting it, while running his hand up and down my body. I try to push him off as hard as I can.

"Time's up!" Kian yells again. The door swings open and I finally push Sam off me.

"I hate you Sam." I spat, walking to my room with Trevor following close behind.

"We'll be more than friends. Whatever it takes, I'll have you Jessica" he whispers as I slam my door shut.


Anyways, hi lol.

Sooooo how was everyone's weekend?! My bff came over for the 1st time yesterday :D

We both also got out phones taken away by our teacher. God do you ever have that feeling you wanna punch teachers in their faces?! Yeah that's what we were feeling.

Peace xxxx

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