His Name Is Unknown.

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Jess's POV

"And Katie called me a hoe! I was like excuse me bitch but I'm not a gardening tool so piss off" CiCi says and we all burst out laughing.

Its lunch time and everyone is sitting at this big table in the back of the lunchroom. It's pretty dark back here but its light to. The table looks kinda old, it has rusty screws and the seats are kinda broken, which makes them bouncy. But I guess its ''our table''.

"CiCi you know Katie is jelly of your awesomeness" Xavier says and we laugh.

"Guys its time for my Maths class. Catch ya later" I say and wave bye to them all but Cara gets up and follows me. I give her a confused look.

"I have Maths to, duh" She rolls her eyes and I laugh as we walk there.

I enter and I see this random guy I've never seen before. He's just staring at me....I try to get a closer look at him. He looks like he has black hair and really black eyes...and he's pretty pale. He's dressed in a plain black tee and dark black skinny jeans.

Damn. That's alot of black.

I look down with Cara following me as I head to the back of the class. I look up and this guy is still staring at me. OMG WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM DUDE.


"Bye guys!" I shout to them, starting my walk home. As I walk I can hear footsteps....sounding like they're getting closer....

I hesitantly turn around to find the mystery boy following me. I just look at him blankly.

"H-Hi...." I mutter, this boy making me a bit nervous. He just comes up to me and pushes me down, very hard may I add.

"Dude what the fuck?!" I shout, getting up and pushing him back. He just glares at me.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to do this, but she'll know..." He says, his voice so deep it scares me. I just stare at him with wide eyes.

He looks left and right before taking my arm roughly, before taking me behind the school. I tear my arm from him.

"Dude what the fuck is your p-" He cuts me off by putting him hand to my mouth.

"Jessica...I have to tell you this quickly. You know Sarah right?" He asks, his voice still deep. I nod slowly.

"She wants to hurt you. She's making me hurt you" He looks around hesitantly, before mumbling a quick I'm sorry and running away.

"Wait! What's your name?" I shout, running after him. He turns around and gives me a small smile.


hey guys :)

here's the song for the song thing XP.

These _____ ____

Don't look like they're fading.

dont look like they;re ever going away, they aint never going to change,

These _____

Hint: Its by Lupe Fiasco ft. Guy Sebastian :)

comment what it is and you get a s/o plus a chapter dedicated to ya!
also i have a question....i was thinking of getting a new username. I was wondering if you guys could help me?
heres a little about me just in case :)

My name is Davida but people call me Unicorn XDMy favorite color is yellow :)I. LOVE. SPONGEBOB. HE. IS. LIFE.I love quotes and things like that :)F.O.O.D: Fav food is pizza XDI'm hungry rn tbh. If youre reading this after i posted this chapter...smh im still hungry.LOLZ. LMAO. LMFAO. KMSL. i like acroynms like that :)And I like using the letter x between my words and stuff because it makes me look kewl DEAL WITH IT.

i hope that helps :)

Peace xxxx

jessica caylen // t.mWhere stories live. Discover now