Ditching and Running Away.

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Jess's POV

"Hey Jess!" I hear Cara scream from the end of the hall. I wave at her and she motions for me to come with her to the rest of the group.

"Hey guys" I say, I hear hey's and hi's.

"Jess, we wanna show you something" Xavier smirks creepily, I shake my head.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you smirking like that" I roll my eyes, but they pull me down some creeky stairs.

"What the heck guys?!" I scream at them, they laugh and pull me into some kind of chill spot.

"What are we doing here?" I look around, seeing couches and tvs and food all around the place.

"We're not gonna go to ANY classes today, we'll chill here" Cara says, calmly. I nod.

"But guys, its my second day of school....I can't just ditch" I say, uncertain if I should stay down here.

"It's okay Jess. The teachers know we do this anyway!" Cici says and shrugs, I nod and plop down on a couch.

"Arizona?" Michael says, sitting by me and handing me a can. I take it gladly and gulp it down.

"Damn. I'm suprised you don't have bladder problems" He says, and we all burst out laughing. I think I can get used to these guys.


"I'm home!" I scream, entering the door which is already unlocked....idiots.

I see all the guys standing there, plus Sarah, giggling like there's not tomorrow. Jesus Christ.

"Jessica, we got an interesting message from a little birdy saying you skipped school" Jc says firmly. I shake my head, I never show nervousness infront of anyone.

He shoves his phone in my face, showing me a picture of me and my friends drinking Arizona and laughing in the room. I gulp.

"So? Who took this anyway?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders.

"Sarah did. She walked by and took it" Jc says, um okay?

"Why the fuck is she following me to school?!" I yell.

"She was making sure everything was in place!" Kian yells, stepping up to me.

"Why does it matter?! The teachers knew anyway!" I throw my hands up in defense.

"That's no way to talk you brother, Jess" Sarah says, giggling.

"Don't CALL me Jess" I say, full anger in my voice.

"She can call you whatever she wants to!!" Jc says, snaking his arm around her waist. I just flip them off and run up to my room, slamming the door.

I take my phone out and text the guys,

Me: Ugh guys, my brother's stupid girlfriend caught me and now I'm in trouble.

Zachie: I saw this girl pass by......weird.

Michael: Stalker much....

I burst out laughing and my door slams open. Jc snatches my phone.

"What are you doing?!" I yell, snatching my phone right back. Jerk.

"You're grounded" He says, I crink my lip.

"For what?! I didn't do shit!" I yell, stomping my foot.

"Give my your phone" He says strictly. I shake my head.

"No. I'm not giving you shit thats mine. I have every right to have to my phone. Now get out" I say, pushing him out. On the way, Sarah snatches my phone and runs off.

"Hey! Give me my goddamn phone back!" I yell, snatching it right back from her and running upstairs. I'm tired of this bitch.

I slam my door and lock it, plugging my phone in my IHome and turning the music up as loud as it can go.

"Jessica! Open this door!" I hear Jc yell. I sigh.

"What" I say, no emotion in my voice.

"We're going out. Be dressed by 7" He says and walks away. Um, hell no.

I walk downstairs, heading towards the door. Someone grabs my shoulder and spins me around.

"Go get dressed!" Sarah screams in my face. I just slap her hand off my shoulder and walk out, I'm tired of this bullshit.


It's 9:00 and my phone has been ringing constantly.

I finally decide to pick it up and yell, "Hello?!"

"Jessica! Where the hell are you?!" Jc screams.

"Why do you care anyway?! You're to busy with that stupid Brunette Bitch!' I scream back.

I hang out and walk back home, only to greeted by al of O2L holding their heads in their hands, and Andrea and Jenn.

"Jess! We're so glad you made it back! We thought something happened!" Trevor yells, I just keep a straight face.

"What's wrong Jess?" Kian asks, okay thats it.

"What's wrong? Whats wrong!? Jc and his brunette bitch as a girlfriend, plus you guys are shitting bricks over me not taking my classes, even if the teachers knew! You try to take my phone and yell at me for no fucking reason! I didn't come here to live with you guys to be yelled at everyday!" I yell, with tears streaming down my face. They just stare at me.

"You know what, fuck it. I'm done" I say, marching up to my room. Sarah follows me and giggles.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yell in her face, she stops and gives me a look of diguist.

"You know what?! All you're doing is taking Jc away from me, my own brother! You dont even know how many bullies I've had to face in my life! You're just a rachet ass hoe that only thinks for herself! You're even stalkingme when I go to school! Fuck you, fuck Jc, fuck everything!" I yell, holding my middle finger in the air and running to room.

I take a small suitcase and throw random stuff in it. I text Cara and ask her can I stay for the night.

Me: Hey Cara. I know this is completely random but I've been having some problems at my house, and I was wondering if I could stay for the night?
Cara: Sure! You can stay as long as you need to :)

I smile ad lift my window up. I skate to her house and knock on her door.

"Hey!" She says, leading me inside. I see everyone here.

"We're kinda having a slumber party, my parents are out of town and tomorrow is Saturday" She says smiling, I smile.

It seems when I'm with them, all my worries are gone.

hey guys!

sooooo, yea, some drama haha

im also having a new charcter soon so get ready for that!

Peace xxxx

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