Tag #2!

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I was tagged by Little_Miss_Rocker for this tag. Thank you so much!!❤️🙏

1. Do you care what others think about you?
Yes, probably a little bit too much.
2. Middle Name
Ann, it's my Great Grandma's name.
3. Favorite sport
Oof, I'm not really a sports person, meaning I suck at like anything physical😅 I'm not that in to watching sports on tv, but if I have to, World Cup soccer?
4. Best Friend
You guys are all great! But I guess choosing from real life I may have to say my friend group. That wasn't a very detailed answer but I'm not sure if they want their names revealed😅 (I'll give a small shoutout to one, go check out Just_MaxT on YouTube!)
5. Somebody you couldn't live without.
My sister definitely :) we fight like all siblings but she makes life much more fun.
6. Nickname
I don't know, I've been called Fable, 'Jujubee', and Jules, all of which are long stories.
7. Cute/ sexy?
No comment..
8. Three pet peeves you have.
1. People that think they're entitled to things. Life doesn't owe you anything!
2. People that diss others for their interests.
3. Homophobic people. I'm not gay, but it bothers me that people have such a hatred for a different type of love.
9. Preferred pronouns
I don't know, she? Them?
10. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Fairly, I am in my head but I don't really show it physically.
10.  Have you ever been asked out?
Nope, and I'm pretty happy that way.
11. Do you believe in true love/soulmates?
I think it is nice to believe in things like that :) especially when people like Paul McCartney and John Lennon met by almost complete chance. I hope someday I find a soulmate, but I'll just have to wait and see.
11. Words you say often
Oh boy (hey that's one!), probably 'oof', 'holy crepes', random vine quotes that I say way too much, memes, 'snazzy', and some other words that slip out sometimes that I won't write down😂
(Also, sorry about the numbers getting screwed up over here, it's because I forgot a few questions.)
12. Pic of Me
I'm not going to show a picture of my face, but here's my favorite screencap ;)

 Pic of MeI'm not going to show a picture of my face, but here's my favorite screencap ;)

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Sorry for no face reveal, maybe eventually.
13. Pic of your favorite person/people
One that isn't confused George?! Here's some:

 Pic of your favorite person/peopleOne that isn't confused George?! Here's some:

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And if you know what show that is from ;)14

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And if you know what show that is from ;)
14. Favorite Hobby
Something music related probably. I can kind of play guitar, and the viola. I also love writing and attempting to draw!
15. Best person you know in person.
My friends, like I said. But just as equally and maybe more, my family.
16. Crush/crushes?
Nope. I love The Beatles, but I've always considered them more as friends in spirit.
17. Tag 20
I don't know 😰 if you want to do it go ahead! I'll tag just a few, but any readers can:
18. Role model.
Probably someone like Brian May or George Harrison. But definitely my dad as well. He really is the reason I got into music and discovered these amazing people.

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