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"I grew up in Hamburg, not Liverpool."
-John Lennon (The Anthology)

" ...I remember when Paul came home from Hamburg. He sat down and made the mistake of putting his leg up on the table. You could see how thin his leg was sticking out between the trousers and the boot, betraying his story or image of how well they did there. You know, 'Really doing well, Got all these things a new guitar, new that this and new that and the other.' But this little pipe-thin, pipe-cleaner leg appeared and betrayed him."
-Mike McCartney
(found this one at
Poor Paulie 😢, you can't get anything past Mike though! I may do a two-parter on this one because there are so many more amazing quotes about Hamburg! Thank you so much for all the reads on this story, it really means a lot to me :) 💕

Plus a little extra story, today one of my Dad's friends gave us his old Beatles Rockband set! We already had the game, but he gave us the drums and hofner bass. It was so extremely nice of him, and I think I've been playing it for around 3 hours😂

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