John's Glasses, (and a new-ish show)

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"So we were writing together, and when he left well, when the girls were around he wouldn't wear the horn-rims (glasses). So the next day I saw him and he said, 'y'know those people on the corner of the avenue, they're mad. What time was it when I left last night?' And I said 'well 11:30 or something', so he said 'well I went past that house, and they were still playing cards in front.' So I went by there later, and it was a nativity scene."
-Paul McCartney on John Lennon's glasses (The Ronnie Wood Show)


So Ronnie Wood from The Rolling Stones has a new show! Or I guess it's not new, just being shown again :) His first guest is Paul, and it's really interesting. I picked out this hilarious story about John's glasses from it. If you're interested there's plenty of clips on YouTube! Have a great rest of the week!!✌❤

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