Hamburg Pt. 2

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"By the time we [the Hurricanes and the Beatles] all got together in Germany, with them playing one club and us playing the other, they were already great. Then we ended up in the same club and The Beatles had the last set. I'd be semi-drunk, demanding they play slow songs."
-Ringo Starr (The Anthology)

"I used to be so pissed I'd be lying on the floor behind the piano, drunk, while the rest of the group was playing. I'd be on stage, fast asleep. And we always ate on stage, too, because we never had time to eat."
-John Lennon (The Anthology)

"We were frothing at the mouth. Because we had all these hours to play and the club owners were giving us preludins, which were slimming tablets... we used to be up there foaming, stomping away."
-George Harrison (The Anthology)
Hey, so it's being updated daily again! Here are some more *intriguing* Hamburg quotes. I hope you all have had a great week so far :)
-Also, if you want to suggest any certain subjects to find quotes on just let me know! I would be happy to look.

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