Chapter 24: Doubts and Answers

Start from the beginning

"So you will teach us some cool things again Rina chan?" Naruto asked excitedly. She nodded.

"I will be with you for maybe 3 weeks because you will be coming to Mist right? That's enough time to teach you the foundation. I'll just prepare a guide thru a scroll because I am afraid I won't be with you for the whole 4 months." She said. And she looked at Tsunade shishou looking for approval which she gave using a nod,

"Why ? What will you do in the other months? If I am not mistaken you are a Mist shinobi but you can do what you want. You are like a free lancer. So you can teach them for 4 months if you want to." Kakashi sensei said. Team 7 and Itachi are with us. They decided to stick their curios minds so they followed.

"I'm afraid not Kakashi. Besides these three are more than capable. And now that I think about it, maybe I'll teach you and Sai few tricks too. Together with those Akatsuki. You can use them in protecting princess here." She said. This made me blush again. Seriously? Princess?

"And to answer your question on what will I do, I need to find out more about this group while you prepare yourselves. Because if I am not mistaken this is another war in the making. I'm sure you don't want that to happen." She said. Yes, she's right. This maybe a threat to humanity again. I clenched my fist. The others also became serious.

"Anerin, I agree with your plan. But I heard this group is strong and prepared. Will you be able to handle it alone?" Tsunade shishou said. My heartbeat became erratic. Yes that's right, they are strong and my friend is planning in going alone. There's this nagging feeling in my chest that I don't want her to go alone. But knowing her, she'll go. When she made a decision, nothing can bend it.

"I can do it alone. It's easier to move alone." She said. I sighed. Anerin, what are you planning now. I hope you'll be safe.

"I don't think so."Itachi said. We all looked at him.

"And why is that?" Anerin asked raising her eyebrows. I really get this bad feeling that Itachi will get murdured in front of us if he continues his mistrustful facade against my friend.

"You need to have atleast one or two companions. I don't trust you." Itachi said which earned an irk mark from Anerin. Oh no. I looked at my teammates and Tsunade shishou they all gulped.  Anerin began walking near Itachi. Step by step I can feel the tension is increasing. When she's face to face with Itachi and all we can do is watch, she poked Itachi's forehead. The action surprise Itachi and Sasuke.

"With all due respect Uchiha San, I maybe a rogue in the past but I can only count within my fingers those people that I killed. And I assure those were do or die situations. Now if you do not trust me, that's your problem. And FYI I am a pacifist. And oh, I should have killed you before if I am not trustworthy." She said staring at Itachi's eyes.

"You did not kill me on those encounters because you can't." Itachi snapped. Maybe it's his pride and ego. We were watching intently what Anerin will do. This is bad. This is really bad.

"I didn't kill you because it's your brother's job. And I believe it's your dying wish. What you think I can't kill you? Wanna try me?" She said. She's beyond piss. If there's one similarity of Anerin and I, it's our temper regarding trust issues.

"Enough Anerin and Itachi. We'll discuss this thing again tomorrow." Tsunade shishou said. Anerin left the office fast as soon as Tsunade shishou said that. None of us followed her. I bet none of us want to deal with her wrath. She's really scary when mad.

"Itachi you shouldn't have said that. We can trust her." I said.

"Sakura chan is right dattebayo. Do you have a death wish or something? Man you were brave! for a second I was afraid for your life." Naruto said clutching his heart dramatically.

"Itachi, give her a chance." Sasuke said. Itachi just hned in response.

"I've encountered Her many times in the past and she's right. She's a pacifist. She doesn't kill. Or can't kill unless it's really emergency." Kakashi sensei said. Sai just stayed silent but nodded at what Kakashi sensei said.

"Anerin was my student, Jiraiya's, and sadly Orochimaru's at some point when she was still a kid. She's been roaming around the world teaching herself lessons, living by herself, and reflecting about what's good and bad. She has a heart like Sakura and Naruto. So I appreciate it if you dig deeper into it Itachi. And I will talk to her tomorrow." Tsunade shishou said.

"But Hokage sama. If she is that powerful, where was she during the war? As Naruto said, she isn't there." Itachi said. Oh right. When we were preparing for the war She's in the medics unit but I don't know what happened. She has been missing during the war.
Shishou was about to speak when we heard an explosion. We all felt Obito's chakra flaring. "It's Obito and Anerin!" I almost shrieked. Without words Kakashi sensei disappeared first. I looked at Shishou and she just motioned us to go. She doesn't feel like going, I guess. We teleported near the explosion.

When we got there, we ran to find Anerin and Obito. Few minutes of running and we finally caught up to them. They really are fighting. Obito is already on the ground when we saw them. He was raising his hands for surrender and was mumbling sorry. We ran to them. Kakashi helped Obito up.

"What happened here?" I asked Anerin.

"That psycho and the plant man tricked and sealed me during the war! I swear to Kami if something  happened to you by the time I escaped I will kill this guy again!" She huffed. Nani?!

"I said I'm sorry. You were really getting to our nerves. Many things were postponed because of you that's why we did that. How did you manage to get out anyway?! That seal was the same one they used in sealing Kaguya!" Obito said panicking. What?!

"It's because I am awesome." Anerin said flipping her hair.  Obito fell to the ground again. Genjutsu.

"What did you do?! Release him. You didn't need to do that he is changed now." Kakashi sensei said.

"What ? You wanna join him? Don't worry. He will come by later. I just need to let him experience what I've experienced." She said then she faced me.

"I am going to get the girls. We'll sleep at your house. Ja Ne." She said as she disappeared. I looked at Obito and Kakashi sensei. Sensei has this pleading look in his eyes.  I went to them and tried to dispel the genjutsu but it didn't work. I looked at Itachi and Sasuke.

"Would you mind?" I said as they nodded and tried to use their Mangekyou but nothing happened.

"That's what I was talking about Itachi. So don't try to piss the lady off next time because she's damn scary believe it!" Naruto said. Naruto's right. I thought I can dispel all genjutsu. Maybe I was wrong. I really hope she'll teach us that next time.

"Let's go. She said it will wear off later. Just put Obito in your room so that we can monitor him. Don't worry he won't die." I said, as I teleported back to our house.

So much has happened today. It's already late. I need to prepare snacks I bet Anerin will drag Ino and Hinata here even if they're asleep.

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