I sigh deeply, rubbing my temples. I buried my face in my hands, my mood going down 10 more levels. I heard foot steps from in front of me, but I honestly didn't want to see who it was. It was probably just a stranger passing by.

"Y/N?" Hyunjin's voice appeared.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I removed my hands from my face, looking at him. I nodded quietly, not feeling the need to verbally reply. He looked at me with a worried expression, putting his hand on my shoulder, gripping it slightly.

"Are you sure?" He asked once again.

"I'm okay. Just.. stressed." I mutter.

"What happened? You can tell me," he said softly.

I never knew his voice could be that soft, I've never heard it like that before. What a shocker. It was almost as soft as Jungwoo's; but no one's voice can be softer than his.

"I don't know. I just feel gloomy. Your crazy ex girlfriend tried to threaten me earlier." I snicker.

"Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?" Hyunjin asked me, in that same soft voice, now holding both of my hands.

I glanced down at our hands connected; this is what I mean. So touchy. It's not a bad thing but it's not a good thing either.. imagine if Medusa 2.0 saw us. She'd think I'm trying to steal Hyunjin away or something, because she's that stupid. I glance back up at him, shaking my head.

"It's fine." I mumble.

"I'll buy you ice cream afterschool, how's that?" He flashed me a small smile.

"Ice cream is going to make my stomach hurt, it's okay." I shake my head again, remembering that it was 'the time of the month'.

"Are you....?"

"Yeah." I slowly nod.

"That's probably why I'm feeling grumpy." I shrug.

"Have you seen the others?" I change the subject.

"Felix is with Changbin hyung. I don't know where the girls are, Jeongin also." He replied, doing this small pout with his pink plump lips.

I glanced down at his lips; but then realized what I was looking at and immediately looked back up and at his eyes. I gulp, not knowing why I'd be stupid enough to look at his lips. That was an accident.

"Minho?" I bring him up, automatically reminded of what happened that one Sunday.

"He texted me earlier, he'll be late." He replied.

I frown, furrowing my eyebrows in curiosity and concern. It sounded kinda serious, I wonder if Minho's okay. Not that.. I care or something.. well actually- of course I do, he's one of my friends.

"Did he say why?" I ask.

"He was taking care of his drunk and hungover brothers." Hyunjin answered.

"He has brothers?" My eyebrows are now raised.

"Mhmm." He hummed.


"Eunhyuk and Taemin hyung."

"Wait- are you serious?" My eyes widen.

Hyunjin nodded, seemed like he wasn't surprised at all. He probably met them before, if he calls them hyung like that. How lucky, I'm envious. The bell rang, and that was our queue to get to class. Hyunjin and I had first period together, which was a relief, at least I had someone to talk to in class. Math is boring anyways, all the teacher does is yell at us and give us packets.

We made our way to math class, walking inside and sitting next to eachother. The classroom slowly filled up with students, and then the teacher came in. I like to call her Ursula 2.0, she's mean as hell. I leaned back into my seat, remembering that I didn't do my homework.

Please don't ask for the homework,

Please don't ask for the homework,

Please don't ask for the..

"Take out your homework from last night, I'm collecting it."


Well shit.

"Did you do the homework?? I didn't.." Hyunjin whispered to me, panic evident throughout his face.

"I didn't either. I guess we're gonna get scolded at together," I sulk.

The teacher began collecting everyone's homework. Hyunjin and I sit all the way in the back of the classroom, we had some potential time that we could've used to do at least half the work sheet. I already gave up on Math at this point.. I didn't even try. Neither did Hyunjin. Finally, the teacher made her way over to the two of us.

"Homework, you two?" She looked at us with a mean glare.

Well, we're fucking doomed.

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