Chapter Thirtyeight

Start from the beginning

"I didn't have a reason to tell you, that's why." I said quietly, starting to twist my hands. He puts his warm big hand on my leg and turned the chair around to him. "This song was beautiful..." He muttered and I kinda lost myself in his deep blue eyes.

I smiled a bit, blushing and looking away when I noticed that I was staring at him for minutes. Alan chuckled quietly and got up, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

When he turned around, he threw something in my lap. "Ingrid told me that you've been missing your mobile phone!" He laughed and j turned around to him giving him a surprised glance.

"She did?" I asked him totally confused, looking back and forth between him and the Huawei phone on my lap. Alan just laughed and took on a a white off-white hoodie.

A bit curious if it was still charged I turned it on, waiting for a reaction. My eyes widened surprised when the Huawei logo suddenly showed up and I raised one eyebrow, checking the rest if it was still intact.

There were literally no scratches at all and I turned around to the brown haired guy. "How did that thing even survived this long?" I asked honestly and Alan chuckled, sitting down on his bed.

I shook my head in disbelief, typing my sim-card code in and unlocking the phone. It was actually connected to a WiFi and I saw several notifications, which have been collected since I last used it.

Crossing my legs and leaning back in the chair, I firstly opened WhatsApp, seeing that almost every chat has been deleted. My eyes caught a chat from a unknown number and one well-known one.

I smiled sadly, opening the chat with my best internet friend in Austria. She has asked me several times if I was okay but then suddenly, the messages stopped.

Tears appeared in my eyes when I noticed, that it was around the time when the news were about me being missed and kidnapped by the Walkers.

Not knowing what I was doing I just typed three letters.


I stared on my phone just for a little bit longer but the "last online at 2:53am" wasn't changing to "online". Sighing, I got up and walked over to the door.

"I'll just grab my clothes, okay?" Alan looked up from his phone when I spoke to him and nodded. "I'll have got breakfast done until then!" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't underestimate my speed mate!" Alan chuckled and I rushed out of the door, walking over to elevator quickly, ignoring the glances that I was wearing a oversize hoodie and some Boxershorts which are definitely not mine.

Within a few minutes I was standing in front of our dorm and opened the door, hiding a yawn. My eyes widened as I saw the mess in the corridor. "Ingrid?" I asked worried into the dark corridor, searching for the light switch.

"Ch...Chris?" I heard her asking and I tried to locate her quickly. Taking off my shoes, I stepped over the clothes, surprisingly some rocks laying around. My eyes widened even more when I saw some holes in the wall.

I found her in the sleeping room, sitting on her upper bed in the corner, her arms crossed over her legs and her forehead rested on her arms. She raised her head, looking at me, her eyes red from tears.

"What do you want..." She whispered weakly. I almost twitched back by her hopeless and weak voice but I forced myself to stay in place and walked over to her bed, looking up to her.

"Ingrid what happened...?" I quietly asked her, climbing the bed up to her. She sighed loudly, putting her head on her arms again and I noticed with shock that he shoulders were shaking slightly.

Without a word, I moved over to her, wrapping my arm around her in the try to comfort her a bit. Suddenly she turned a bit so she was leaning at my shoulder, her arms wrapped around me.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her shoulders trembling noticeable. I was just rubbing her back carefully, trying to calm her down.

"R...Ryan he..." She cried quietly, shaking even more. "Shssh..." I whispered, hugging her even tighter. "It... It doesn't look good for Oli..." Ingrid muttered crying, pressing her face against my chest.

"He should show any signs of getting better b..but... He" She broke off again, crying quietly. Her shaking got extreme and I grabbed her shoulders, holding her a bit away from me.

"Ingrid!" She didn't reacted. "Ingrid listen!" I raised my voice a bit and stared into her dark green eyes. Still shivering, she raised her head and glanced at me.

"It won't help Oli if you're breaking down here and destroying our room! I don't know what Ryan told you and probably don't have to interest me but Jesus calm down!" I shouted at her, my hands on her shoulders and forcing her to look at me.

Her eyes glanced through me, before she suddenly blinked a few times, focussing at me again, realising what I've been trying to tell her. Ingrid turned her head away, a few tears in the corner of her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"You're probably right..." She whispered. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Not just probably, it is right. Remember what I've told you yesterday? You Aussies are strong. He'll get through it."

Ingrid turned away from me, jumping down the bed, raising her hands slightly. "What are you doing here? I thought you are going to spend the day with your boyfriend?" She asked me kinda suspicious and I raised one eyebrow.

I jumped down to her, about to walk over to the ward robe when I ran into a blue string suddenly floating in front of me.

The next thing that hit me was anger, hopelessness and sadness. I saw the room like through a red curtain, everything was blurry, a hot liquid streaming down my cheeks.

I saw my hands glowing, a person was escaping the room in fear. Everything around me was picked up by some sort of tornado, getting thrown around and slamming against the walls.

My first started glowing red and my eyes widened as I was launched forward, leaving a hole of the double size of my fist in the solid concrete. I was breaking down in tears for one second, in the other I found myself demolishing the rest of the room.

Somsone was shaking me over and over again. I blinked a few times, staring into Ingrid's green eyes, sparkled with anger and frustration, but also with worries, still a bit red from the tears. "Am I talking to a stone or Chris now?!" She asked me before taking her hands down and picking up some clothes again.

"You demolished our room?" I asked in disbelief and she raised her head quickly, glancing at me as I just said something I shouldn't know. "Any problems with that?" Ingrid reacted quite defensive and opened the wardrobe, throwing her clothes in.

I frowned in confusion, before walking up to her, picking up some clothes for me. "At least I'm glad that I wasn't here." She turned her head. "You've been with Alan right? Would explain your outfit though." Still throwing them into my backpack, I shrugged and grabbed my sport clothes.

"Wanna join us in our training? You look like you need something to get rid of this energy tho." I raised one eyebrow, waiting for her at the doorway to the corridor. Ingrid's hand was on her sport clothes and sighed, lowering her head.

"You're right. When are you going to start?" She asked, stroking back a few strands of her blue hair and looked at me. I took a quick look at the clock, it was 9:59am already.

"I suggest we're going to have breakfast first, so I think we'll be there at 11am. I could message you, okay?" She nodded and I turned right to change my clothes in the bathroom quickly.

When I was about to leave the flat, something come across my mind. I raised my voice, hoping that she'll hear it. "By the way, thanks for telling Alan the thing about my phone! I almost forgot it!" I closed the door and just heard her laughing amused.

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