Chapter Thirtyseven

Start from the beginning

Alan burst out laughing. "Yeah the vocals version and it is actually almost done but yeah... The release date would have been the 20th April, but them Tim told me his plan so we changed it again, but then there is now this gigantic trouble with the government's so yeah..."

I closed my eyes and grabbed his hand. "By the way, cause you're already talking about Tim..." Alan was rubbing my hand softly. "You're asking what plan I meant?" He asked but I shook my head.

"I already know that he's going to take his death, don't worry... But uhm..." I suddenly realised that I couldn't tell Alan that I went to the archive because Fynn told me to check his file and started stammering. "You checked Tim's file?" Alan asked confused and I nodded quickly, being glad that I don't have to answer.

"And I found something in it..." I stammered, trying to get the piece of paper out of my trouser pocket. Alan grabbed the paper and gave me a confused glance after a few seconds. "Okay this is getting weird... That this paper has been in one of our files here must mean that we have some sort of traitor here..." Alan mumbled quietly.

I swallowed and nodded. "Lo...Looks like yeah... Even if I don't like this thought to be honest." Lowering my head, I stared at our hands, getting overwhelmed by my different kinds of emotions.


Alan must have noticed it, because he wrapped his arms around my hip tightly and gave me a quick kiss on the head before he put his head on my shoulder. "Hey hun come on, everything is going to be alright okay?"

His calm and gently voice gave me goosebumps and I smiled a bit, closing my eyes. We both were just enjoying the moment until I had to hide a yawn, cause the sleepiness suddenly got me.

"Tired little one?" The Norwegian chuckled quietly and I nodded, still yawning. "I don't wanna know how late it is now..." I whispered, taking a look at the clock from the computer. "Oh god, 11 pm already...?" I groaned and closed my eyes again.

"Should I bring you to your room, or do you wanna sleep here?" Alan asked quietly, raising one hand to play the song he obviously was working on. "Uhm..." I blushed extremely not knowing what to say.

Alan raised his head again and started twisting our hands, quietly singing the lyrics from the song. I gave him a quick amused glance. "I don't know... On the one hand I don't wanna leave Ingrid alone but on the other hand I think I could stay here and give her a little bit of space..." I whispered softly and glanced at monitors in front of me.

"Well then stay here, Chrissy!" He whispered softly and gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me blush again. My eyes closed, I tried to stay calm and listen to the music, which was not that easy, while Alan was rubbing my hands gently.

I closed my eyes short time after the song ended and took a deep breath to prevent a yawn. "Damn this song is awesome!"

Alan chuckled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "It's not finished yet, I'm still waiting for Seungri's voice lines, they're going to be at this slower part..." He pointed at a part almost at the end.

"Who's Seungri? I know that the main part is sung by Julie but who's the second one?" I asked him confused and gave him a confused glance, leaning against his shoulder.

His chest was moving up and down quickly while he was chuckling. "He's one of the signed singers by LiquidState and MER and they asked me if I could collaborate with Kenneth, Julie and one of their artists. So Seugri became part of this song!"

I frowned in confusion. "LiquidState was that korean music thing there right?" Alan burst out laughing, which gave me the answer I've waited for. "Yeah it is!" He added, still laughing and gave me a cuddle.

"Oh okay..." I stammered kinda surprised, but cuddled him back. It was quiet for a few seconds before Alan suddenly took a deep breath and almost pushed me down from his lap.

"Come on, if we don't wanna fall asleep on the chair we should move over to the bed now." He laughed quietly and waited for me to get up. A bit sleepy, I sat down on the edge of the desk and watched him, going over to the wardrobe in the corner and grabbing a hoodie and some boxers.

"They're maybe a bit too big for you, but better than nothing!" Alan chuckled and threw them over to me. I caught them a bit clumsy and went over to the door. He wrapped his arm around my hip and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before letting me leaving the room.

I quickly went over to the bathroom to go on the toilet and wash my face quickly. The cold water was still burning a bit in the small scratches in my face but I ignored ity turning the water off and starting to take off my clothes.

The hoodie was ways to big for me, the sleeves were going over my hands and almost covered half of my thighs. I smiled a bit and pressed the black cotton against my face, smelling Alan's smell on them. Laughing about my childish behaviour, I took off my trousers to put on the boxers.

I tied them tighter so they actually would fit and picked up my old clothes, folding them so I can carry them easier. Slowly I turned the light off in the bathroom and went over to the sleeping room, knocking at the door.

"Are you done Alan?" I asked quietly and leaned against the door, waiting for a answer. He laughed quietly and muttered a quiet "Come in!". Slowly I opened the door and stopped the same second I entered the room.

Alan was sitting on his bed, leaning against the stone wall and just having boxers on. Blood shot in my head and I almost let my clothes go but luckily I was pressing them against my chest.

I couldn't helped myself but I stared at his quite muscular chest, before I suddenly noticed what I was doing and closed my eyes for a second.

Probably red like a tomato, I turned left to put my clothes on the ground next to the desk, before I walked over to the bed, my cheeks glowing warm. As always when I'm nervous, I started twisting a few hairs and sat down next to Alan, right on the edge of the bed.

I heard him chuckling amused right before I got pulled closer and I found myself laying with my back on his lap. Blushing extremely and feeling a bit uncomfortable, I glanced up to him, loosing myself in his blue eyes.

"You're cute when you're blushed, did anyone told you that already?" Alan whispered quietly, making me blush even more. I got up and put my legs under one of the blankets, leaning against the wall. "" I stammered, glancing at my hands nervously.

Alan wrapped his arm around me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "You look tired Chrissy!" He chuckled and put his legs under the same blanket like I did and layed down completely. I followed his example and layed down quite close to him.

He pulled me closer and put his arm on my hip, burying his face in my hair, while I leaned my forehead against his warm chest. Alan took a deep breath and I closed my eyes, still blushed and feeling a bit weird, but I ignored this emotions, falling asleep surprisingly quickly.

Something annoying was beeping extremely loud next to my ear. Gosh I missed beeping sounds. Definitely not. Groaning I turned around burying my face in the fluffy pillow and pulling the blanket over my head.

But the sound didn't stopped until something warm touched my shoulder and it went quiet. For a second before someone started talking.

"Ja?" Alan asked sleepy and I lifted up my head, glancing at him, while he was holding a phone at his ear, yawing and rubbing his eyes. "Damn Camilla, vet du hvor tidlig det er?" He groaned and it took me a while to realise that he was talking norwegian.

A small quiet pause. "Ja, jeg vet det! Jeg ønsket å komme tilbake snart, vær så snill å roe ned. Det var bare noen få problemer i Tyskland sentrum..." He added muttering and closed his eyes.

I blinked a few times to wake up a bit more and yawned. "Is that Camilla?" I asked quietly and he nodded slowly. "ja? Hvem var det? bare en uhm ... Gud, Cami feil tid!"

Alan rolled his eyes. "Jeg ringer deg tilbake søster. Gi Happy en snuggle fra meg, ok? Snakkes senere!" He hung up the call and yawned, before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Sorry I didn't meant to wake you up hun, but if Camilla is calling one of us, you definitely should answer.." I chuckled and yawned again. "It's okay Alan... What time do we have?" I grinned and started stretching my arms. "9 am already..." He chuckled.

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