Chapter 4: London

Start from the beginning

Get back into the picture right now or your brooms and wands will be locked in a closet for a week.

"Your mother is not pleased with this picture," Dad said from behind me, a hint of amusement coated his voice. I giggled in response before adding:

"I wonder why."

Although Dad seemed to successfully convince me to like the new apartment, or at least it's library, he failed at convincing me that shopping for my supplies for Hogwarts would be fun.

Theo was to attend his third year of schooling at Hogwarts while I was coming in with a bunch of fresh first years. That might have been the only good thing about the situation. I didn't have to join an already accustomed class like Theo.

"Looks like you will finally get a wand, Ava." Damion stated as he read over my shoulder. An owl came that morning baring another Hogwarts letter with my name written in emerald ink on it. My mother had opened it before I had a chance to burn it and so I was now stuck with reading it.  We were both reading the supply list for this coming year at the moment. At the mention of getting a wand, I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Everyone else in the family had wands already. I was the odd one out once again. I flipped the page to the wardrobe section and my smile was replaced with a grimace.

"Yes that is true but do you see the clothes that are required? Maman, look at this! It's awful!" I called out, turning to the kitchen window where Mom sat with a cup of hot tea in her hands. She motioned me over and I quickly walked by, handing her the list as I went.

She gave a tsking sound before mumbling in French about how her old uniform was so much classier than this.

"I still wish your father would reconsider you attending Beauxbatons. At least there you would be part of the legacy already established by my family." I hugged mom from behind and gently rested my head on her shoulder, looking down at the supply list still in her hands. The smell of her lavender perfume sprang to me like a reminder of home in the states and suddenly my throat started to ache. I moved away from her and back toward the kitchen where Dad stood with a mug of coffee in one hand and his newspaper in the other. His reading glasses made his blue eyes look sharp and even when he looked up to smile at me, I still felt out of odds.

"Do you think there are a few loop holes that I can use over the uniform?" I asked casually in French as I turned back to face my mother. She chuckled lightly in response.

"Mon ange, I think it best that you stick with what it says. That way you will feel well blended with the other students."

"But I don't want to blend in!" I replied loudly causing Edward, who was sitting outside on the patio by the picnic table reading, to glance my way with an are-you-kidding-melook.

"You're already going to stand out Ava. You're an American going to a British school. There is no hiding that accent."  I sighed.

"Well that's not so bad I guess..." I stated only to be cut off by Theo who was now lounging on top of Edwards book while smirking up at his older brother and poking him repeatedly in the arm.

"Let's not forget how you will stand out for having an ugly look about you too, Ava..." Theo called out before being pushed off the table by Edward with an agitated shove.

"You two cut it out and Theo stop speaking that way about your sister. She is the most beautiful girl for her age. No doubt she'll catch one or two boys' glances in no time," Mom said admiringly as she glanced up at me, causing me to go red while my three brothers snickered aloud. This only caused mom to chuck her poetry book at them through the door, telling them this time to just shut up with her usual French flair of an accent hinting dangerously.

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