61⇢first forgiveness

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Jinyoung's eyes narrows to the point that it has starts looking smaller than Jaebum's

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Jinyoung's eyes narrows to the point that it has starts looking smaller than Jaebum's. He watches Jaebum move around the farm house, doing unnecessary amount of cleaning and shuffling like an obedient housemaid. It has been more than twenty four hours since Jinyoung has made an odd suggestion in order to settle the severity of dispute between them and Jaebum hasn't answered him yet.

So Jinyoung remains seated at his designated position and Jaebum sort of avoids making eye contact with him as he prepares a small meal for them. Jaebum thinks and deliberates inside his head, if Jinyoung's suggestion is actually going to bring some breakthrough in their relationship or is it going to mess things up further.

And Jaebum fights a vicious battle in his head.

"You are not eating Jaebum," Jinyoung points out when Jaebum sits with his bowl of ramen and stew and does nothing with it.

"I will, eventually. Wasting food is not my thing," Jaebum replies, tosses and turns the strings of ramen with his chopsticks.

"Of course."

The way Jinyoung says it, Jaebum can smell a hint of sarcasm in it. What is he trying to imply? Jaebum was too messed up to figure that out. Instead, he focuses on finishing his bowl.

The night arrives as usual and Jaebum can't sleep. He hasn't provided Jinyoung with his answer yet because he has never felt so indecisive in his life before. Sure he loves Jinyoung and all of a sudden his idea of role reversal sounds appealing and intriguing but Jaebum wonders what kind of victory Jinyoung is trying to achieve over him. It's wasn't a matter of who should be at the bottom, rather it was a complicated decision he had to take. He had to look at the world from Jinyoung's eyes and pretend to be in his body while Jinyoung is inside his.

Has he ever tried to understand what exactly goes on inside Jinyoung head all the time? The diary was like a trailer to a vast ocean of stories unexplored. The diary has brought them together as well as parted them. And now, Jaebum has to mentally take reference from it to understand Jinyoung by acting like him? That was Jinyoung's idea after all and he had promised to comply with anything. Won't be a great time to back out and fuck up everything now. 

Jaebum rolls over on the floor to change sides, watching Jinyoung sleeping peacefully on the couch. What else does he have to lose except Jinyoung himself? He has no family, no money on his name and certainly no one to give him the kind of love he craves for. Ajumma does her part, acting as a guardian figure but for how long? Days pass and ajumma grows older. Jaebum doesn't want to think about the day he'll be left all alone.

No ajumma. No Jinyoung.

Jaebum can't keep his eyes shut that night. He stares at the soot stained ceiling, ready to swallow him like a monstrous gaping mouth. Jinyoung's steady rhythm of breathing soothes him. It makes him feel like he has company and that Jinyoung is still there in his life. And when a generous amount of twisting and turning refuses to grant him some quality sleep, Jaebum groans loudly and sits up.

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